Boort eastern redevelopment
Published on 28 October 2014
CAPTION: Works are coming to an end for the Boort Eastern Entry redevelopment.
Civil works are nearing completion for the Boort Eastern Entry redevelopment.
These works, forming a major component of the project, have included upgrading vehicle access, the boat ramp, car parking areas and improvements to drainage.
The next stage of the project will flow into the new year and will see footpaths completed, with fencing along the eastern edge of the playground and bollards erected along the caravan park’s western edge.
Playground equipment will be relocated and a modern shelter will be installed in Nolens Park early next year.
After the heat of summer dies down the area will also be landscaped in 2015.
The gateway enhancement project is the third and final piece in the eastern entry works, which saw two previous stages deliver major road improvements, ablution facilities and a Condamine bridge over the Goulburn Murray Water channel, to ensure the Little Lake Boort walking trail remained contiguous.
The walking trail, 3.7 kilometres in length, is an iconic walk in the region being graded level one for all access ability, with much to see, including wetland flora and fauna and cultural heritage.
All stages of the eastern entry project have been funded by the Victorian State Government in partnership with the Boort community and Loddon Shire Council.
The final stage is funded through the Putting Locals First Program.