Benefits of Eucalyptus Oil

Published on 26 August 2016

Winter is the season of sniffles.

We brace against icy winds, breathe in cold, dry air, our body’s immunity defences are down and we spend more time indoors in contact with other people’s germs.

Colds and flu are a seasonal hazard, but more and more Australians are looking to non-chemical remedies and Loddon Shire is uniquely positioned to take a lead.

Natural pharmaceuticals producer Bosisto’s Eucalyptus has recently teamed with the Shire to inject more resources into promoting eucalyptus oil and its medicinal benefits.

The Blue Mallee (Eucalyptus Polybractea) is native to the Inglewood-Wedderburn region and is especially high in cineole, the oil’s main healing component.

Executive director Tegan Abbott said there were several ways the oil could be helpful for cold and flu sufferers.

“Eucalyptus oil has the ability to open up the nasal passages and make it easier to breathe, so ways people would commonly use it would be a couple of drops on a handkerchief or inhaling it in hot water,” Ms Abbott said.

“Another favourite is spraying the base of the shower in the morning, so when the hot water starts you get a eucalyptus hit for the day.”

Diluted oil can be used on the skin to help with inflammations, cuts and scrapes or other injuries and sinusitis may be helped with inhalations.

Oil can be sprinkled on a pillow or sprayed to disinfect a sick room.

“It’s also beneficial for aches and pains in winter, or arthritis and inflammations – just rub it on or add a little to your bath,” Ms Abbott said.

Inglewood’s Eucalyptus Distillery Museum tells the stories of the eucalyptus oil industry through historic artefacts, videos, static displays and a working model distillery.  

A retail area offers a café, books, souvenirs and natural products for sale.

Another place to see how eucalyptus oil is processed is the working stew pot in Hard Hill Reserve, Wedderburn.

For more information, contact the Loddon Visitor Information Centre on 5494 1257 or visit

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