Australia Day 2021 awards

Published on 26 January 2021


After a tough 2020, Australia Day 2021 is a time to reflect, respect and celebrate.

Australia Day, 26 January, is a day to reflect on what it means to be Australian, to acknowledge our rich history and celebrate the selfless contributions of our volunteers in award ceremonies held across Loddon Shire.

We reflect on the resilience of our communities in the face of a global pandemic, and the spirit of helping and giving that defines the Australian spirit epitomised in the Australia Day awardees being honoured in Loddon Shire.

We respect the stories, histories and contributions of all Australians, especially our frontline workers and those who sacrificed so much over the past year, our business owners, our 2020 VCE students and all student plus the parents who’ve juggled home schooling, work and life in general.

We celebrate our nation’s place in the world – a proud, ancient, multicultural nation built on shared values that allow us to enjoy the freedoms and opportunities that other nations aspire to.

Reflect, respect, celebrate – we’re all part of Australia’s story.

Loddon Shire Australia Day 2021 Awardees

Citizen of the Year: Howard Matthews (Wedderburn)

Young Citizen of the Year: Hugh Cartwright (Terrick)

Community Service Awards (by Ward):

• Inglewood: Tracey Webb & Rae Broadbent

• Terrick: Robyn Brown

• Tarnagulla: Roger Terrill

• Wedderburn: Susan Lockhart

• Boort: No nominations received

Community Group of the Year: Wedderburn Patchwork Group (Christmas Tree Festival)

Community Event of the Year: Bridgewater Bowling Club (Twilight Bowls)

Special Recognition of COVID-19 2020: Susan Lockhart (The Front Door Project)

Awardee Biographies

Citizen of the Year: Howard Matthews (Wedderburn)

Howard has made tireless contributions to the Wedderburn community since being a founding member of the Wedderburn Cycling Club in the 1950s.

Howard’s service to Wedderburn’s sporting clubs extended to the Wedderburn Band Cricket Club where he scored at both home and away matches for many years, and at the Wedderburn Football Club, where he held the office of secretary from 1964 to 1968, and is one of only three people to take on this role for 5 consecutive years. He has also volunteered at the Wedderburn Golf Club, where his contribution to the club’s course maintenance was always done humbly and dutifully.

It was at the CFA Region 19 Wedderburn Urban Fire Brigade that Howard’s most significant volunteer service was made. Between 1955 and 1982, Howard held numerous positions including secretary and treasurer from 1969 to 1973, 1st Lieutenant from 1973 to 1975, and foreman/apparatus officer from 1961 to 1965. During 27 years of service with the CFA, Howard also attended regular training and competition events.

Young Citizen of the Year: Hugh Cartwright (Terrick)
Hugh Cartwright completed VCE in 2020 at East Loddon P-12 College, where as College Captain in a unique year, he helped run assemblies online via Microsoft Teams. He helped put together online events like the ANZAC Day service that crossed to all areas of the Loddon Shire. He also offered encouragement and support to other students throughout the year.

In 2020 Hugh was recognised with the Year 12 ADF Long Tan – Innovators East Loddon Award for his significant contribution to the VCE Agriculture & Horticulture program at East Loddon P-12 College. He was an integral component of student voice in encouraging this subject to return to the VCE curriculum. He was also the recipient of the Year 10 ADF Long Tan – student leadership and community involvement East Loddon award for his leadership in school and broader community events, particularly with his fundraising and public speaking in the lead up to a school trip to Turkey.

In 2021 Hugh plans to study Agronomy and we wish him all the best for his future studies. 


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