Archery Open Day Saturday 24 October

Published on 14 October 2015

IF YOU’VE ever had a fancy to try your hand with bow and arrow, an Archery Open Day on Saturday 24 October presents the opportunity.

Hosted by Acacia Lane Archery, near Wedderburn, the event invites people of all ages to shoot a round, either with friends or in groups of four.

This is the first Open Day the business has offered since its launch three years ago and the first time it has entered the program for the “Naturally Loddon” Spring Festival.

Owners Robina Little and Bob Montebello lay claim to running the only business of its kind anywhere in Victoria.

“The only other one of which we’re aware is in Western Australia, set up in a caravan park,” Ms Little said.

“We liken it to a game of golf – you come out, have your induction, then work your way around the course.  What’s more, you can shoot in any weather.”

Located 6km from Wedderburn on 137 acres, Acacia Lane offers three field target archery courses – 12 targets for beginners, 16 at intermediate level and 20 for advanced.

“We’re both originally from Melbourne, but bought this property over eight years ago with a view to a change of scene and starting some kind of business for ourselves,” Ms Little said.

“Bob was heavily involved in archery at club level in Melbourne for 30-odd years and he had the idea of getting back into it.

“It took us over three years to get everything set up, with the aim of attracting schools and social groups as well as the general public.

“We still both work off-site, but would like to see the business grow to the point where we can be here full-time.”

Entry fees are $18 for adults, $14.50 for children and $60 for a family, with the use of all equipment included.

Open Day hours are 9.30am to 4pm.  For more details, phone 5494 3423 or go to

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