Advice regarding activities on waterways during current flood events

Published on 16 September 2016

Maritime Safety Victoria (MSV), a branch of Transport Safety Victoria, has issued a warning about the risks associated with activities (e.g. boating) on flooded waterways. A copy of the media release can be found at

As the Waterway Manager for parts of the Loddon River and Little Lake Boort, Loddon Shire strongly advises boaters, kayakers, canoeists and water skiers to stay off floodwaters until such time that conditions return to normal.

Rising water levels mean that previously visible hazards, such as trees and stumps, are now being submerged and creating risks for anyone on the water.  Increased water flows and the associated faster moving water are creating safety risks, for example, making steering more difficult or paddling more tiring.  Debris is being washed downstream that could be large enough to damage or overturn vessels, or affect their ability to be manoeuvred around danger spots.

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