Above-average rating for Loddon Shire Council

Published on 08 June 2017

Residents in the Loddon Shire have rated Council’s overall performance above the state-wide average in its annual community report card.

With a score of 62, Council’s overall performance is above the average for councils across the state (score of 59) as well as the average for small rural councils (score of 58).

Council also performed above the state average and small rural council average on lobbying with a score of 59 compared to 55 and 54 respectively.

According to residents, the top three performing areas of Loddon Shire are waste management, recreational facilities and the appearance of public areas.

Council’s customer service continued to improve, with two-thirds of residents rating Loddon Shire’s customer service as very good or good. Overall, customer service moved from a score of 70 in 2016 to a score of 71 this year.

Loddon Shire Council Chief Executive Officer Phil Pinyon said it was pleasing Council received an above-average rating in comparison to the state, and small rural councils.

“Council welcomes this feedback from our residents, and we are pleased that Loddon Shire’s performance among our community has continued to rate above average,” he said.

“While this is positive feedback, we also recognise that there were areas in the survey where Council needs to improve.”

These improvement areas were Council’s unsealed roads network, local streets and footpaths, and consultation and engagement.

“Council recognises and appreciates that with such a large and disperse community, the roads infrastructure network is of great importance,” Mr Pinyon said.

“While infrastructure such as roads and footpaths are a continuing pressure point for councils, Loddon Shire is determined to keep improving on this area, and we are looking forward to this rating improving next year.

“It is hoped that the work underway with making good many road assets as part of the flood recovery program will see an improvement.

“Additionally, as a Council we are committed to improving other areas flagged on this survey, including consultation and engagement with our community, which is recognised in our draft Council Plan.”

The annual Community Satisfaction Survey was conducted by JWS Research, which collected responses from 400 residents in the Loddon Shire for the survey.

Mr Pinyon thanked those residents who were surveyed for providing their feedback.

“We appreciate residents who were contacted giving their time to provide their views regarding Council’s performance,” he said.

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