Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 9 September 2019

Published on 09 September 2019

Seeking input on ageing well

To better understand the importance of ageing well and what matters to older Australians, the Commissioner for Senior Victorians has developed a survey which will allow people to say what they think should be the areas of focus.

The online survey is completely anonymous and only takes around five minutes. Click on this link to have your say https://www.seniorsonline.vic.gov.au/news-opinions/latest-news/Have-your-say-Ageing-well-survey.

Irrigation, commodities and climate info sessions

A free information session will be held in the north of our region to inform about seasonal and long-term outlooks for irrigation, commodities and climate. The session will feature a number of expert speakers, as well as a local farmer.

Topics will include the seasonal situation and outlook for water, grain and fodder, as well the key drivers of long-term water availability, including permanent plantation expansion and inter-valley trade.

This session will be held at Macorna Recreation Reserve, Macorna South Road on Thursday 19 September 12.30pm to 3pm. Contact Darren at the Agriculture Victoria office on (03) 5482 1922 or email darren.carnie@agriculture.vic.gov.au to book a place.

Nominate for the Aspire Awards

Nominations are now open for the 2019 National Aspire Awards. These awards are an opportunity to recognise outstanding individuals who identify with a disability, who have demonstrated attributes such as: leadership and advocacy in their community, who have helped change perceptions of disability, or who have made a positive contribution to creating a more inclusive society.

There are a range of categories for nominations including business, law, arts, government, sport, advocacy and human rights. For details and to nominate go to: https://theaspireawards.com.au/award-categories.

Nomination for an award has the potential to change a person’s life.

Don’t miss a chance to nut it out

There is one last opportunity in 2019 to attend a free round table discussion with peers and mentors from across the region in order to gain valuable advice and refine project plans about climate.

The last session of ‘Let’s Nut it Out’ will be held at 10am on Tuesday 17 September in the Raywood Hall, 50 Inglewood Street Raywood on the theme of ‘Combatting Climate Change’ and will include mentors from North Central Catchment Authority, Coliban Water, Bendigo Sustainability Group, City of Greater Bendigo and Leading for Success.

For more information and to book a place visit https://www.makeachange.org.au/events/

Rural women’s health needs assessment

Last week I mentioned the partnership between Murray Primary Health Network, Bendigo Loddon Primary Care Partnership and Women’s Health Loddon Mallee to undertake a women’s health needs analysis for the Loddon Shire.

The project is calling for Loddon women to express their views, but those women unable to attend the conversations in person may still have their voices heard by taking part in the survey. To request a survey contact Samantha Turner on samanthaturner@bchs.com.au or call 03 4444 2414.

Meet the Loddon artists

I am looking forward to the next event on the Naturally Loddon Spring Festival Calendar. Meet the Loddon Artists commences on Friday 13 September and it will be my pleasure to launch this event at Mulwarrie Studios on Serpentine Road, Bridgewater on Loddon on Friday night at 7pm.

This is a great opportunity to meet some of the artists of the region, to view their work and listen to their presentations. Continuing through until Sunday 15 September, morning and afternoon tea is included in the $10 per person cost. Call 0447 036 952 or email mulwarriestudios@gmail.com to RSVP.

Woodstock Road Bridge

I am pleased to report that work on the Woodstock Road Bridge over Murphy Creek has progressed and the bridge will be reopened to the public on Tuesday 10 September. The bridge has enhanced safety and road driveability as well as an improved weight-bearing capacity, which will deliver great benefits to the community.

Works were accomplished with assistance from the Federal Government via the Bridges Renewal Program ($350,000) and the State Government’s Local Road to Market Program ($300,000).

Did you know?

Another event on the Naturally Loddon Spring Festival Calendar is the Kooyoora Wildflower Show later in the month. Caladenia Cretacea, commonly known as the Stuart mill spider orchid, has started to flower in the region with the onset of spring. Endemic to the region and once very rare, the tiny orchid has now been propagated and reintroduced and is doing really well. See a photo of the flower or find out more at their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/441607012703118/

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