Mayoral Column 9 July 2018

Published on 09 July 2018

2018-2019 events calendar out now

Council’s 2018-2019 Calendar of Events is now on the shelves at visitor information centres and tourism information locations across Loddon Shire and the broader Goldfields region.

Events in July and August include golf tournaments at four different locations around the Shire, and winter darts and harness racing in Wedderburn.

Then Spring will bring a wide variety of activities for locals and visitors to get out and about as the weather warms up.

I encourage you to grab a copy or view the calendar online at Council’s website to see what’s on around Loddon for the next twelve months.

What deductions can you claim at tax time?

This year the Australian Taxation Office has developed tailored toolkits to help people to prepare and lodge their tax return in 2018.

These toolkits contain information on areas where the ATO knows taxpayers are at risk of making a mistake when they’re completing their tax return, such as work-related expenses (what can and cannot be claimed), income (what income needs to be declared), and record keeping (keeping the right records to substantiate claims and not miss out on a deduction).

General and tailored toolkits are available via including specialised kits for people in transport and logistics, health, education, government, retail, real estate and other professions.

If you are interested in receiving customised tax time content or have any questions, please email

Boost Your Business applications close soon

There is still time for Victorian businesses to access support to create jobs and enhance growth, with applications for the second round of the Boost Your Business vouchers closing on 13 July.

The first round provided funding of more than $3 million to support over 100 businesses across Victoria.

Under Boost Your Business, vouchers are awarded to eligible businesses in streams covering Advanced Manufacturing, Asia Gateway, Food Innovation and Social Enterprise Capability.

The vouchers provide funding for businesses to partner with industry experts, including the CSIRO and leading university research centres – to help them develop new products, improve business processes and systems, identify new export markets, undertake research and development and gain certification.

Businesses can receive vouchers up to a maximum value of $25,000 or $50,000 depending on the stream.

For eligibility criteria and program guidelines, visit

Local matters: Action sought to fulfil local priorities

The Municipal Association of Victoria has prepared its Call to Parties state election plan through input from a range of stakeholders, to advocate for matters that are important to local communities across Victoria.

The plan calls on all political parties and candidates to support 42 actions that will help to achieve a shared vision that grows Victoria’s economy, improves liveability and supports stronger communities.

The actions are based around themes including sharing Victoria’s population growth, transforming local service delivery, improving liveability, supporting resilient and cohesive communities, providing fair and equal opportunities for all, maintaining and improving assets for the future, and sustaining our natural resources.

It is pleasing to see that the key projects and issues that I have been discussing in my recent meetings with local politicians, which are priorities for Loddon, also fit within these themes.

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