Mayoral Column 8 June 2015
Published on 08 June 2015
Photo caption: Outlines Landscape Architecture will revisit Loddon with findings from last month’s consultation.
Streetscape moves full steam ahead
Residents and visitors will start to see the transformation of the Wedderburn streetscape, with recent funding announcements meaning the project is now fully funded.
The Wedderburn streetscape now has funding of $2.3 million.
Last week Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford announced the state government would provide $500,000 towards the project.
Council also approved funding of $584,400.
The first part of the project will see the removal of overhead power lines, construction of improved drainage works and a completely remodeled streetscape and landscaping works between Godfrey and Reef streets.
The revitalised main street will create a welcoming atmosphere to encourage greater visitation, provide opportunities for new businesses and promote the growth of existing businesses.
Strategy outlines emerging opportunities
Public comment is sought on Council’s draft Economic Development Strategy. Spanning 2015 to 2019, the strategy will focus on supporting growth and diversification of the economy based on areas of competitive advantage.
Residents are asked to view the 22 page document and provide feedback before Council formally adopts the strategy.
This strategy provides Council with direction in economic development over the coming years and seeks to promote improved prosperity for our community.
The strategy identifies emerging opportunities for Loddon Shire including agribusiness, tourism and lifestyle.
The strategy has been developed to align with the Council Plan 2013-2017, which outlines the broader strategic direction for the Shire.
The opportunity to provide feedback closes on Friday 19 June.
The strategy can be viewed on Council’s website For more information, contact the Wedderburn Council office on 5494 1200.
About Town visits again
Outlines Landscape Architecture will be back in town this week to provide residents the initial findings from the on-the-street consultation that took place last month.
About Town is a planning project focusing on improvements to key areas of Bridgewater, Boort, Inglewood and Pyramid Hill, including town entries and the central business area.
Hundreds of people contributed to the consultation last month.
Follow up discussions will be held in each town on Thursday 11 June. The discussion will outline the design team’s initial ideas. These ideas will be developed into concepts that will form the eventual streetscape master plans for each town.
Outlines Landscape Architecture will visit the Bridgewater post office between 9am and 10am, the Little Lions Park on Brooke Street Inglewood between 11am and noon, the Boort supermarket between 1.30pm and 2.30pm and outside the Pyramid Hill supermarket from 3.30pm to 4.30pm.
For more information or to leave feedback, visit
Centrelink rolls into town
Loddon Shire residents with questions about Centrelink, Medicare and other government services can get the answers they need when the Australian Government Department of Human Services Mobile Service Centre pays a visit this week.
The vehicle will stop in:
- Inglewood on 9 June between 9.30am and 4pm near the former petrol co-op in Brooke Street
- Wedderburn on 10 June between 9.30am and 4pm at Soldiers Memorial Park
- Bridgewater on 11 June between 9am and 2pm in the mobile library site on Lyndhurst Street.
Staff will be on hand to give advice on Australian Government payments and services for rural families, older Australians, students, job seekers, people with disabilities, carers, farmers and self-employed people.
For more information, go to and search for Mobile Service Centre or call 132 316.