Mayoral Column

Published on 08 August 2016

Shire snapshot taken tonight

Each household within the municipality will play a role in forming a fresh picture of how Loddon Shire’s population is developing and changing.

Every five years The Australian Bureau of Statistics gathers information from Australian households and Census year is upon us once again, with forms scheduled to be completed tonight, Tuesday 9 August.

Census information is important to us all as it can be used by Council and other organisations to support funding decisions for services and infrastructure including housing, transport, education, industry, hospitals and the environment.

Information gathered across each corner of our municipality will provide clear information about the age and stage of life of those living within the Shire.

Collated information detailing employment rates and fields, interests and other designated facts will be used by Council to pre-empt future community needs and explore options for economic development.

By now you should have received a Census instruction letter in the mail which contains information to help you complete the form online.

Residents are encouraged to complete the Census online and locally employed tech savvy, community minded field officers are available to assist as required.

It’s important we move with the times and it will be great for Loddon Shire residents with access to the internet, whether it’s on a laptop, tablet or phone, to complete the form online.

The Census is compulsory and residents requiring further assistance are encouraged to phone the Census Inquiry Service on 1300 214 531 or visit

Wedderburn Streetscape update

Council has begun discussions with contractors in readiness for work to resume on Wedderburn’s Streetscape Improvement Project.

This follows a compulsory conference at the Victorian Civil Appeals Tribunal on 15 July.

A verbal agreement was reached whereby the matter regarding the Jacka Park fence would be dealt with separately to the current planning application.

The agreement, which still needs to be formalised and signed off by VCAT, was made so streetscape improvements works could continue, with work expected to resume by 19 September.

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Step it up and walk to school

Council will work with nine schools across the Shire to encourage and reward students for physical activity undertaken during Walk to School month after receiving a $11,000 VicHealth grant.

While some families in rural areas live too far from school to walk, ride or scoot the whole way, we’re encouraging children to engage in physical activity while at school.

Council’s community wellbeing team will be working with schools in the coming weeks to plan a range of activities and initiatives which encourage and reward physical activity.

While we’re still in the early planning stages, some of the ideas raised with students to date include coordinating walkathons, walking school buses and lunchtime activities so students can clock up their physical activity hours together.

Walk to School month highlights the benefits of active travel such as improving fitness, friendships and confidence.

Participating schools will receive student certificates to celebrate their students’ achievements.

Students who keep a record of their physical activity during October will also be in the running for a series of prizes provided by VicHealth.

For further information visit

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