Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 7 October 2019
Published on 07 October 2019
Strategies released for comment
Council voted at the recent meeting to release two strategies for public comment that aim to grow and invigorate the Shire by enhancing population and job growth.
The Settlement Strategy aims to encourage population growth by ensuring a suitable supply of vacant residential land in and around towns, recognising that prospective residents may be encouraged to settle in the Shire through improved physical and social services.
The Economic Development and Tourism Strategy has also been placed on public exhibition. This strategy aims to help Council deliver infrastructure, housing and jobs to support and drive potential population growth in the Shire, attract new investment as well as maximise the economic impact from visitors.
Both draft strategies can be accessed on the Council’s website at http://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/Our-documents/Documents-for-public-comment or viewed at the Wedderburn or Serpentine offices.
Loddon Aboriginal Partnership Plan
Further to its commitment to reconciliation, Council also adopted the Loddon Aboriginal Community Partnership Plan 2019-2020 after a period of public exhibition and consultation.
Reconciliation aims for all Australians to work together to address the underlying causes of division and inequality between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and non-indigenous people.
The plan demonstrates Council’s support for activities that will assist in bringing about positive change in the lives of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island residents. It also seeks to recognise the rich history, cultures and rights of Aboriginal people in Australia.
The plan contains 22 activities to be undertaken across three themes: respect, relationships and opportunities.
Community Plan allocations
As part of Council’s long-term strategy for developing sustainable communities, funds are committed from the annual budget to ensure that certain local community projects will be completed.
These funds often contribute to projects that go towards fulfilling the community’s vision and improve the liveability of the Shire. The Annual Community Plan funding is based on $50,000 per ward. At the last meeting, Council approved the allocations and the Community Support team will work with specific groups to assist with the delivery of projects.
Boat launching fees
Council also approved the amended Fees and Charges Schedule to incorporate the recent scrapping of boat launching fees. This will mean that fees will no longer be payable at Boort and Bridgewater public boat ramps. This is a Better Boating Victoria initiative aimed at making it cheaper and easier for Victorian families to get out on the water.
Loddon Victorian Seniors Festival in full swing
We are currently well into the 2019 Seniors Festival, with a range of enjoyable events and activities offered that encourage our older residents to remain active and healthy, while also maintaining strong connection to community by spending time with like-minded people and even volunteering.
Over the next few days there will be Seniors Festivals lunches held in Wedderburn (on Tuesday) and Pyramid Hill (on Wednesday). There is an Echuca River Cruise on Friday 11 October and free travel for Seniors card holders is offered on regional and metropolitan trains and buses until 13 October.
On Friday 11 October, the Pyramid Hill Playgroup invites all seniors and grandparents to join them from 10am till midday at the preschool. All are welcome to enjoy the fun including craft activities, inside and outside play, Goldfields Storytime, and a delicious morning tea.
Now is a good time to consider joining one of the Still Going Strong groups within the Shire to enjoy the company of others and learn new things. There are four groups available: Pyramid Hill East Loddon, Pyramid Hill, Inglewood and Tarnagulla.
For information about any of these activities or general information for Seniors, please contact the Loddon Shire Council on 5494 1201or visit our website www.loddon.vic.gov.au
Naturally Loddon Spring Festival
There’s so much happening in our region at the moment and this weekend features a number of popular events in the Naturally Loddon Spring Festival calendar, including the Boort Sculpture by the Lake competition at the Boort Show.
There is also the popular Nardoo Hills Reserve guided trip which highlights the work undertaken to conserve the vegetation and vital habitat for a range of wildlife in the area. Along the same lines is the Native Gardening for Sustainability event which encourages people to plant native species to attract birds, bees and other fauna. If you haven’t already done so, encourage you to pick up a brochure or visit our website and see what is on offer.
Did you know
Council’s Annual Report including Financial and Performance Statements for the year ended 30 June 2019 has gone on view at Council offices in Wedderburn and Serpentine. The report gives an excellent overview of the range of services that are delivered by Council which goes a long way beyond ‘roads, rates and rubbish’ that most people know about.
From swimming pools, animal management, maternal and child heath, tourism, aged and disability services, public toilets to emergency management; more than 100 services and facilities are managed by Loddon Shire Council.