Mayoral Column 6 November 2017

Published on 06 November 2017

Thank you

With this Friday’s Statutory Meeting to elect the next Loddon Shire Council Mayor, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my fellow Councillors, Shire staff and the community for their support during the past 12 months.

In addition to the honour of being re-elected by the community at the 2016 Local Government elections, it has been a great privilege to serve as Mayor during the past year.

There have been a number of highlights, including completion of several infrastructure projects, such as Serpentine’s Janiember Park, the Inglewood Community Hub, Bridgewater boat ramp improvements and continuing works for the Wedderburn Streetscape Improvement Project.

The year also saw the adoption of the Council Plan 2017-2021 which included a comprehensive community consultation process. Additionally, Council’s annual Community Satisfaction Survey results showed that residents in our Shire rate Council above the state-wide average (as well as highlighting areas where Council needs to do more).

We did see some challenges, including extensive flooding from major rainfall in September and October last year. Council is continuing to work with government agencies to bring damaged assets back to their pre-flood condition.

It has also been great to be part of advocacy efforts for Council, including through working alongside other councils towards better outcomes for our Shire and region. This includes the Murray River Group of Councils, Rural Councils Victoria and Loddon Campaspe Councils.

Another recent highlight has been the completion of stage one of the South West Loddon Pipeline Project (SWLPP). It has been great to see the project moving steadily ahead since funding towards the SWLPP was announced last year by State and Federal governments and I look forward to the continued roll out of the project. The SWLPP provides a more secure rural water supply for communities without access to piped water in the region, has given hope to farmers and more security for townships and opportunities for rural lifestyle properties. 

Finally, I look forward to continuing to serve as Councillor with the Loddon Shire, working alongside the incoming Mayor and my fellow Councillors, and representing our community’s interests.

Honouring Badger

Congratulations to Ian “Badger” Mercer whose 55 years as a volunteer with Boort Trotting Club has been recognised by Harness Racing Victoria. Ian was presented with the Association of Victorian Country Harness Racing Clubs Volunteer Service Award at the Gordon Rothacker Medal awards night in Melbourne a couple of weeks ago.

Since he joined the club in 1962, Ian has undertaken many roles, including secretary, track manager and sports bar manager. Congratulations to Ian on his well-deserved award, which recognises his incredible commitment and contribution to the club and the community.

Customer service survey reminder

If you haven’t had a chance yet, there is still time to provide your feedback regarding Council’s customer service. The five-minute survey, which closes next Monday (13 November), asks for your thoughts on Council’s current customer service and how it could be improved.

All responses are confidential, and the feedback will help shape Council’s Customer Service Strategy and Customer Service Charter. This will help ensure Council is delivering what our community expects in terms of good customer service.

Surveys are available online from or you can complete the survey online at Council’s Wedderburn office during business hours. Hard copies are available from Loddon Shire Council offices, community centres and post offices throughout the Shire or can be mailed to residents. 

Community members who fill out the survey have the chance to enter the draw to win a hamper of local produce valued at $100.

For more information or to get a hard copy of the survey mailed to you, call Council on 5494 1200.

Remembrance Day

This Saturday 11 November is Remembrance Day, which marks the anniversary of the Armistice which ended World War I. Each year on the day, Australians observe a minute’s silence at 11am in memory of the sacrifices of those during times of war and armed conflicts.

There are a number of services being held around the Shire to remember those who have been part of wars and conflicts. Please check locally for these services or you can also visit which has a list of Remembrance Day activities in Victoria.

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