Mayoral Column 5 October 2015
Published on 05 October 2015
Illegal breeding not tolerated
Last week, Loddon Shire Council was once again involved in the successful prosecution of those involved in inhumane or illegal domestic animal breeding within our municipality.
In the boundaries of Loddon Shire Council, the RSPCA has recently seized a large volume of puppies from a number of unregistered breeders who have failed to comply with Council regulations and Victorian legislation.
Loddon Shire Council maintains a firm stand against such behaviour, we will not be a Council which tolerates the breeding of animals in such inhumane ways. We will not let people skirt around the law within our municipal boundary.
In order to stamp out this behaviour in our region we need the help of those who may be looking to buy a pet. In many instances, puppies bred in these conditions end up in pet stores. We are encouraging anyone who is looking to purchase a puppy to ask the breeder or the seller for a record of where the puppy has come from. We strongly believe that people would not want to support those breeding pets in such inhumane ways.
Planning department is here to help
Residents looking to lodge a planning permit application are encouraged to talk to Loddon Shire Council staff first, in order to improve turnaround times and efficiencies.
Residents who talk to staff first can obtain a comprehensive checklist and an overview of the application process. Talking to staff will ensure Council receives all the information required to evaluate the permit without going back to the applicant for more information, which would hold up the process.
Council is also aware of instances across the municipality where people have been unaware they require a planning permit to undertake some activities.
Erecting a shed, removal of native vegetation, works to a heritage building and opening a business all require a planning permit.
For more information, contact Council’s Wedderburn office on 5494 1200.
Victorian Seniors Festival
Our Seniors Festival is well under way, starting last Wednesday with a group of forty three seniors attending a Neil Diamond tribute show followed by lunch at the RSL.
We are looking forward to our Gala Day this Wednesday 7 October at the Serpentine Hall where we will be entertained by the travelling roadshow ‘Victoria’s Journey of Remembrance’ followed by afternoon tea.
The Journey of Remembrance roadshow is part of the Victorian Government’s Anzac Centenary program and includes storytelling, live theatre performances and guest speakers. Each attendee takes home a commemoration pack.
Transport is available to attend the function. Contact the team at Council’s Serpentine office on 5437 799 to reserve a seat.
Two mystery trips are planned for October 12 and 21.
Your only clues are sweets and treats and an informative day for the first trip; and a symbol of authority, a national trust along the water shores and an infamous citizen for the second.
To find out more you can get a copy of the printed guide available locally at supermarkets, coffee shops, local stores and health services, keep an eye on Council’s website or phone the Serpentine office on 5437 7999.
Sunshine Breakfast in Wedderburn
Mental Health week runs from 4 – 10 October and aims to activate, educate and engage Victorians about mental health through a week of interactive events across the state.
This year the Loddon Healthy Minds Network, in association with the Wedderburn Lions Club and Wedderburn College, will be holding a Sunshine Breakfast on Thursday 8 October at Jacka Park in Wedderburn.
We invite everyone to come along to Jacka Park from 8am for a free breakfast, enjoy music performed by students from Wedderburn College and check out the entries in the Network’s annual art competition.
Members of the Healthy Minds Network will be there with information about available mental health services.