Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 5 August 2019
Published on 05 August 2019
Free waste disposal day
The next free waste disposal days are scheduled for 17 and 18 August 2019.
There will be free waste disposal on Saturday 17 August 2019 at the Inglewood Transfer Station from 8am to 12pm.
On Sunday 18 August 2019, there will be free waste disposal at Boort Landfill from 1pm to 5pm, Pyramid Hill Landfill from 8am to 12pm, Newbridge Landfill from 1pm to 5pm, Wedderburn Transfer Station from 8am to 12pm and Dingee Transfer Station from 10am to 2pm.
You can dispose of up to four cubic metres of general domestic waste free of charge. This includes green waste, mixed recyclables, general household waste, television and computer screens, home appliances and electronic items, refrigerators, freezers, microwaves and air conditioners. You can also dispose of battery operated products that have reached their end of life.
Charges still apply for tyres, bricks and concrete, and mattresses, as these items have additional third party costs associated with their disposal.
Remember to bring your licence or rates notice to verify your address.
Healthy Heart of Victoria funding announcement welcomed
Council has welcomed the announcement from Minister for Regional Development Jaclyn Symes regarding funding for Healthy Heart of Victoria project activities in our Shire.
Council received $300,000 towards infrastructure and activation initiatives. This includes $20,000 to recruit and train volunteer lifeguards, $140,000 for Boort Lake Precinct Activation and $140,000 for the Wedderburn and Bridgewater Open Space Activation.
The first initiative of its kind in Loddon, the funding will include the installation of outdoor fitness equipment at Boort and Wedderburn. The initial installation of this equipment is planned for this September. A host of fitness activities aimed to inspire physical activity in the community is also being planned for the launch.
A State Government funded initiative, Healthy Heart of Victoria is working towards getting more people, more active, more often. The initiative includes the employment of health brokers in each of the Loddon Campaspe local government areas, who will help drive progress and change throughout the region.
Loddon Mallee Renewable Arts Award
Applications are now open for the Loddon Mallee Renewable Energy Art Award, which will support 10 artists from across the region to produce an artwork inspired by their vision of “our renewable energy future”.
The award is an exciting opportunity for artists to support local communities to explore possible renewable energy futures through art. It also aims to generate awareness of renewable energy transition from fossil fuels to carbon neutral renewable energy.
Each artist will receive $1000 from the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) Loddon Mallee to produce their work. Upon completion the 10 works will tour the region and be displayed in local libraries.
The Loddon Mallee Renewable Energy Art Award is a collaboration by DELWP Loddon Mallee, Regional Arts Victoria, Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance and Loddon Mallee councils (including Loddon Shire).
Applications for the award close at midnight Sunday 25 August 2019. Successful applicants will be announced on Monday 9 September 2019. For more information, visit www.cvga.org.au/artsaward.html
Aboriginal Community Partnership Plan out for comment
A reminder that the draft Loddon Aboriginal Community Partnership Plan 2019-2021 is now out for comment until Friday 30 August 2019.
The partnership plan provides a framework for Council to advance reconciliation activities. It will provide opportunities to raise awareness of reconciliation, develop knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and build relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in the Loddon Shire.
Copies of the draft partnership plan are available for viewing at Council’s Serpentine and Wedderburn offices and at library agencies in Boort, Dingee, Inglewood, Pyramid Hill, Tarnagulla and Wedderburn.
The plan is available online at www.loddon.vic.gov.au by clicking on “Our documents” and then “Documents for public comment”. You can provide your comment online by clicking on “Submit your comment” on this page.
You can also submit your comment via email at loddon@loddon.vic.gov.au or through post to: Chief Executive Officer, Loddon Shire Council, PO Box 21, Wedderburn, 3518.
Congratulations Angus
I’d like to pass on my congratulations to journalist Angus Verley on being awarded the Young Leaders in Agricultural Journalism Award. Angus, who grew up in Boort, previously worked as a reporter at the Loddon Times and is now the rural reporter at ABC Wimmera. The award, which was presented by the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists, recognises young agricultural journalists and communicators.
Did you know?
In 2018/19, a total of 1745 people used the quarterly fee free waste days, with approximately 660 tonnes of waste disposed across the six Council facilities. Of this total, around 452 tonnes was recoverable materials for recycling.