Mayoral Column 4 September 2017
Published on 04 September 2017
Farm Water Planning Workshops
GWMWater and Agriculture Victoria are inviting farmers to attend a Farm Water Planning Workshop for the South West Loddon Pipeline Project.
Two workshops will be held – the first on Tuesday 12 September at the Wedderburn Golf Club and the second on Wednesday 13 September at the Inglewood Town Hall. Both workshops start at 9.30am sharp (with registrations from 9.15am) and finish at 3.30pm. Lunch is included.
The free workshops are being held to assist farmers in planning and designing their on farm water reticulation and future water use plan when joining the South West Loddon Pipeline.
Discussions will include the costs and benefits of various water supply options, farm water requirements, locating the tapping, main storage tank, troughs and pipelines, and planning a detailed reticulation design.
Speakers from Agriculture Victoria will talk about reticulation design and farm water planning, while Bridgewater Farmware and Midland Irrigation will discuss equipment and design.
If you would like to attend a workshop, please register by this Wednesday (6 September) by contacting Belinda Pritchard at Agriculture Victoria on 5461 0826, mobile 0408 342 593 or email
You can also register through GWMWater’s Sarah Tottenham on 5381 9610, mobile 0409 345 558 or email
Wedderburn time capsule to commemorate Lions
As part of the centenary celebrations of Lions International, and works for the Wedderburn streetscape project, plans are in the making to install a time capsule in the town’s main street.
The idea for the time capsule was developed by Ray Tonkin with support from the Lions Club and Council, and is proposed to be installed when the next stage of the streetscape works get underway. The time capsule will provide future residents of Wedderburn (and the Shire) a look at the day-to-day life of the town in 2017.
To get the project underway, Ray and the Lions Club are inviting sports clubs, community organisations and all community members to make suggestions as to what should be placed in the capsule. When making suggestions, it’s worth bearing in mind that the size of the capsule will be limited to mainly documents, photographs and small objects.
Email your suggestions to or call Ray Tonkin on 5494 3486.
Loddon Valley Network Business dinner
Businesses, both large and small, are the backbone of our region, providing goods, services, innovation and jobs throughout our towns and communities.
That’s why I’m encouraging businesses in the Loddon Valley region to get along to the Loddon Valley Network Business Dinner next Tuesday 12 September at Boort’s Café Renu.
Whether you’ve recently started a business and would like to meet other business operators or are looking to gain some great ideas, the business network dinner is for you.
Three new proprietors in the Loddon Valley will speak at the event – Wendy James (Boort Lakes Caravan Park), Jacquie Dunn (Bridgewater Public Caravan Park) and Renu Pattison (Renu Café).
Not only is the dinner a great opportunity to take time out of your business and join with like-minded people, but it’s a chance to work on developing further industry collaboration. It’s this industry collaboration among businesses in our region that helps increase visitation to the Loddon Valley, bringing extra benefits to our community (and businesses themselves).
The Loddon Valley Network Business Dinner starts at 6.30pm with the meeting at 7pm. The cost is $20 per head and any business in Loddon Valley is welcome to attend.
Please RSVP by this Thursday 7 September for catering purposes to Sandra Steel, 5494 1257 or email