Mayoral Column 4 February 2019
Published on 04 February 2019
Victorian bushfires 10 Year Anniversary
February 2019 marks the 10 Year Anniversary of the 2009 Victorian Bushfires, one of the most significant natural disasters Victoria has experienced. The anniversary is a time to reflect and remember the 173 people who died in the bushfires, to learn about how the fires changed the lives of so many, and how communities have rebuilt.
The Honourable Linda Dessau AC, Governor of Victoria, is the Patron for the 10th anniversary commemorations.
The Victorian Government is providing grants to help community groups and councils across Victoria undertake creative arts, community development, and commemorative activities.
A range of mental health and psychological services and supports throughout the commemoration period is also available.
The City of Greater Bendigo will hold a free community event this Saturday 9 February 2019 to mark the 10 Year Anniversary of the 2009 Victorian Bushfires.
There will be a morning tea at the Bendigo Bushfire Memorial at Albert Richardson Reserve on Marong Road from 10am to 11.30am.
Greater Bendigo experienced two significant fires on 7 February 2009. One started in Redesdale and another started in Bracewell Street, Maiden Gully.
The 10th anniversary community event will provide an opportunity to reflect on the impact of the fires on the local community, as well as the changes and long term recovery that has occurred since that time.
The event has received funding from the Victorian Government’s 2009 Victorian Bushfires Commemoration Grants program.
For more information about the 10 Year Anniversary of the 2009 Victorian Bushfires, and support services available, please visit
Water resource plan out for comment
While the Murray-Darling Basin Plan has been in the headlines lately, the Victorian Government has also recently released its draft North and Murray Water Resource Plan for public comment.
The resource plan is part of the State Government’s implementation of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.
The draft document outlines how Basin Plan requirements are being met for the region, including an explanation of the region’s water resources, and existing water management framework.
The Victorian Government wants community input and feedback to inform the final Water Resource Plan for northern Victoria. Input is welcome from anyone with an interest in water resource management in the northern Victoria region.
For details of public information sessions (including at Bendigo, Shepparton and Kerang) or to view the document and provide a submission, visit
Consultation for the draft Water Resource Plan closes 4 March 2019.
Free waste disposal day
The next free waste disposal days are scheduled for 16 and 17 February 2019.
The free waste disposal day will be held on Saturday 16 February 2019 at the Inglewood Transfer Station from 8am to 12pm.
On Sunday 17 February 2019, there will be free waste disposal at Boort Landfill from 1pm to 5pm, Pyramid Hill Landfill from 8am to 12pm, Newbridge Landfill from 1pm to 5pm, Wedderburn Transfer Station from 8am to 12pm and Dingee Transfer Station from 10am to 2pm.
You can dispose of up to four cubic metres of general domestic waste free of charge. This includes green waste, mixed recyclables, general household waste, e-waste, television and computer screens, home appliances, electronic items, microwaves and air conditioners, and white goods. You can also dispose of battery operated products that have reached their end of life.
Charges still apply for tyres, bricks and concrete, and mattresses, as these items have additional third party costs associated with their disposal.
Remember to bring your licence or rates notice to verify your address.
Signage replacement program
Council is replacing its damaged signs as part of a rolling five-year program.
Twelve signs – both township and Shire boundary signs – were replaced before Christmas. Signs that were replaced included those that had been severely damaged by the sun.
Under the rolling program, funding is allocated each year towards sign replacement. Council will continue to replace township and boundary signs as this funding allows.
It is anticipated that signs located at Buckrabanyule, McIntyre, Borung, Bridgewater, Salisbury West, Inglewood and Serpentine will be replaced in the next financial year. This is dependent upon assessment of other signs in the Shire, which may be given priority depending on their condition.
Did you know?
There are approximately 125 township and boundary signs located across the Shire.