NOTES FROM LODDON 31 October 2016
Published on 31 October 2016
Who has a seat at the Council table?
The votes are in, the count is almost complete and on Wednesday Wedderburn and Tarnagulla ward residents will discover who their voice at the Council table will be.
The election result will become public at the declaration of the poll at the Serpentine Council Chambers at 12 noon this Wednesday (2 November).
At the close of nominations, Boort, Inglewood and Terrick Wards were uncontested so all eyes are on Wedderburn and Tarnagulla.
Newly elected councillors, unsuccessful candidates, council representatives and media will gather at Serpentine for the important announcement and members of the public are most welcome too.
Top marks for immunisation program
Loddon Shire Council’s Early Years Team has achieved 100 per cent immunisation for children less than 15 months of age.
The pleasing result has placed Loddon Shire, along with Buloke Shire, in the enviable position of having the best coverage rates in the region for this key immunisation group.
Immunisation from an early age helps protect children from the most serious childhood infections.
This makes the 100 per cent immunisation achievement for children less than 15 months of age particularly noteworthy.
The National Immunisation Program provides routine childhood immunisations free of charge through council run sessions.
It’s important children are immunised before attending childcare, kindergarten and school.
Striving to meet roadside safety needs
Council understands roadside maintenance is a key factor in providing a safe road network.
It’s unfortunate Council’s roadside slashing program was delayed by emergency flood response activities, however pressing safety issues following these major events had to take priority.
Council’s determination to get its roadside slashing program back on schedule is starting to pay dividends.
Within the next three weeks the second wave of slashing will be complete and a third cut may be considered subject to the extent of regrowth.
This should provide peace of mind to residents who have noticed a significant increase in roadside growth with the return of typical rainfall patterns.
Council’s local sealed roadside slashing program focuses extra attention on areas such as intersections where driver visibility is crucial for road safety.
However, as a general rule, slashing and spraying of grass along local sealed roads extends no further than the guide posts. Council will not be undertaking slashing on gravel or formed roads.
Residents are reminded VicRoads is responsible for the maintenance of growth along main roads and Council understands their roadside slashing program is underway. Queries about the maintenance of main roads should be directed to VicRoads.
Residents wishing to carry out additional roadside mowing or slashing are permitted to undertake these specific activities without Council approval, noting the requirement that no native trees or plants are destroyed and that native grasses are cut to no lower than 100mm.
Staying Well in Loddon
Are you an older resident who is interested in discovering new ways to increase your independence, health and wellbeing?
If so, the Staying Well in Loddon Program could be for you.
The aim of the program, set to run on Wednesday 9 November and Wednesday 23 November, is to help older people discover ways to live a more independent life by improving their physical and problem solving skills.
Each session will be delivered by occupational therapists at the Serpentine Bowling Club between 10am and 2.30pm, with a light lunch provided.
To secure you booking or to find out more about the program, contact Loddon Shire Council on 5437 7999. Limited transport is available.
Flood recovery assistance at hand
Loddon Shire residents impacted by the September floods are reminded support is available for individuals, farm families and small businesses.
Visit (September floods 2016) to access information on issues such as financial assistance, insurance considerations, cleaning up a flood affected home or area safely and advice on how to recover from floods if you live on a farm.
Advice and support is also available by phoning The Victorian Emergency Recovery Information Line on 1300 799 232.