NOTES FROM LODDON 3 October 2016

Published on 03 October 2016

Seniors Festival in full swing

The 2016 Loddon Victorian Seniors Festival kicked off yesterday (3 October) with a trip to Bendigo’s Capital Theatre.

However, if your missed The Seeker Show, you haven’t missed the festivities, as a range of activities are scheduled to run through to Wednesday 12 October.

This year’s Gala Day to be held at the Boort Memorial Hall on Wednesday 12 October features a free afternoon tea, music and storytelling, as well as a variety of information stands.
A trip to Melbourne’s IMAX Theatre on Thursday 6 October, and a mystery trip on Tuesday 11 October are also on offer.
Senior citizens are the backbone of many voluntary organisations and devote countless hours caring for others.

An increasing number also continue to contribute to the paid workforce, passing on valuable skills and knowledge.

The 2016 Loddon Victorian Seniors Festival encourages senior citizens aged 50 and over to take time out to enjoy and celebrate all they continue to achieve.

For further information visit or phone the Serpentine office on 5437 7999.

Planning permit fees to increase

The state government has recently completed a review into the fees associated with planning permits or certificates. 

Subsequent amendments to the Planning and Environment (Fee) Regulations seek to achieve a substantially higher level of cost recovery for planning services and residents can expect to see significant planning permit fee rises later this month.

The permit increases, which are the first to take place for several years, will apply to all development from 13 October and will be indexed in the future to keep up with the cost of doing business.

There will be no additional cost for applications lodged prior to this date, where fees have already been paid.

Further information regarding the new fee schedules can be obtained from the Department’s website at or by emailing

Time to cast your vote

Voting material is scheduled to be posted to enrolled voters in the Wedderburn and Tarnagulla Wards from today (Tuesday 4 October).

Boort, Inglewood and Terrick Wards are uncontested and as such residents living in these wards will not receive a ballot pack.

Residents living in the Wedderburn and Tarnagulla Wards are reminded that voting is compulsory and their completed ballot materials must be in the mail or hand delivered to the election office by 6pm Friday 21 October.

If you are required to vote but haven’t received your ballot pack by Wednesday 12 October please phone 1300 583 870.

Another good way to stay in the loop as the Council elections approach is to register for SMS and email alerts at

Occasional Care up and running

Families living in the Pyramid Hill area have the opportunity to enrol their child in occasional care from this week.

Council’s Early Years team received a positive response from families in the area about their intention to establish an occasional care program at Pyramid Hill Preschool.

As a result occasional care will be available to families on Tuesdays between 1.45pm and 3.20pm at a cost of $12.64 per session.

Families are able to book care on a casual basis, however those wishing to secure a permanent booking will benefit from a 10 per cent discount when they pay their term fees in full.

Bookings can be made and further information obtained by phoning the Serpentine Council Office on 5437 7999.

Stepping up to the challenge

Rio Olympic Games silver medallist rower Josh Dunkley Smith and Rowena Webster who represented Australia in water polo, are set to visit East Loddon P-12, Pyramid Hill College and St Patrick’s Primary school today (Tuesday 4 October).

The school visits are highlights of a program designed to encourage students to celebrate physical activity during October.

October is Walk to School month and while many families in rural areas live too far from school to walk, ride or scoot, Loddon Shire has stepped up to ensure students throughout the municipality receive the physical activity message.

Loddon Shire’s community wellbeing team joined forces with nine schools to develop a program designed to encouraged students to increase their physical activity at school.

A range of activities including zumba sessions and a table tennis competition will take place during school hours over the course of the month.

Students who keep a record of their physical activity during October will receive certificates and be in the running for a series of prizes provided by VicHealth.

For further information visit

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