Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 29 July 2019

Published on 29 July 2019

E-waste changes and charges

With the introduction of the Victorian Government’s electronic waste (e-waste) ban from 1 July this year, there has understandably been some confusion about what constitutes e-waste. I’ll try to clarify the new arrangements in this column.

Additionally, I would like to provide some clarification about which e-waste items incur a charge (and which ones don’t) to drop them off at Council’s landfills or transfer stations.

E-waste is classified as anything with a battery, plug or cord. This includes old phones, computers, printers, household appliances (such as clock radios, hair dryers, toasters, food processors), white goods, power tools and even toys and hand-held video games. E-waste also includes lighting products, such as LEDs and fluorescent lamps.

The ban means no e-waste items can be put in your general household kerbside bin. However, Council will still continue to collect e-waste items at its landfill and transfer station sites during normal operating hours.

There are currently fees in place to dispose of certain e-waste items. Televisions, monitors and computers (including laptops) have a fee of $13.00 per item, and there is a fee of $17.00 per item for refrigerators, freezers or air conditioners (prices include GST).

Fees on these items were in place before the e-waste ban. These items have a fee due to the costs involved in their reprocessing. Computer monitors, laptops and televisions contain toxic chemicals and require special handling, while refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners need to be de-gassed prior to being reprocessed as scrap metal.

No other fees have been introduced this year regarding the disposal of other e-waste items.

There is no charge to dispose of small appliances (including those items mentioned above – clock radios, toasters, toys, hair dryers, etc.).

A number of white good products also do not attract a fee, such as a microwave, which will be processed as scrap metal.

Furthermore, there is no charge to dispose of fluorescent light tubes, rechargeable batteries and IT accessories (such as a mouse or keyboard).

I hope this helps clear up any confusion, however, if you still have questions regarding e-waste please do not hesitate to contact Council’s Manager Works Daniel Lloyd on 5494 1200 during business hours.  

Young Farmers Scholarship

The State Government’s Upskill and Invest Young Farmers Scholarship is now open to young farmers who are looking to access study and training, and then invest on-farm or in further professional development.

Up to $10,000 is available per scholarship – including up to $5,000 towards study and up to $5,000 to invest in putting new skills into practice, be it professional development, business planning or other on-farm activities.

The scholarship program is designed to be flexible, to fit with the demands and ambitions of young farmers and farm workers.

The scholarship program is open to farmers aged 35 or under who have been working in farm businesses at least three days a week for the past three months, with at least two years total experience on-farm.

Applications for the Young Farmers Scholarship are open until Friday 9 August 2019.

To find out more visit http://agriculture.vic.gov.au/agriculture/food-and-fibre-industries/young-farmers/scholarship-program

Lions Clubs supporting our communities

With a number of Lions Clubs changeover dinners occurring at the moment, I just wanted to take an opportunity to pay tribute to the wonderful work the respective Lions Clubs carry out in communities across our Shire.

In our Shire we have the East Loddon Lions Club, Inglewood Lions Club, Pyramid Hill Lions Club and Wedderburn Lions Club. Each of these organisations provide programs that have an invaluable impact on the people of our Shire and the wider community.

These programs include the Lions Youth Exchange Program, Junior Public Speaking programs and of course, the Driver Reviver stops during long weekends (to name but a few).

These programs the Lions Clubs provide locally not only help make our Shire more liveable, but assist Council in delivering on our Council Plan.

I’d also like to congratulate the Pyramid Hill Lions Club which is celebrating their 50th birthday on 31 July.

Council’s Community Directory has contact details of our local Lions Clubs. Go to www.loddon.vic.gov.au, click on “Community Support” under the “Live” tab and then select “Community Directory”. You can do a search for “Lions Clubs” on the page.

Did you know?

At its July meeting, Council resolved to subsidise water use to a maximum of 12 megalitres of non-potable water annually to the main recreation reserves at Boort, Bridgewater, Calivil, Inglewood, Mitiamo, Newbridge, Pyramid Hill, Serpentine and Wedderburn.

Council will also subsidise service fees and charges associated with the supply of water to recreation reserves. That is, annual service fees/meter charges, service point fees and water access fees.

Any existing arrangements that currently support the provision of non-potable water to a recreation reserve by Council will remain in place via a grandfathering arrangement.

This support of our recreation reserves across the Shire, via subsidising irrigation water, will help ensure equitable access to these community facilities in relation to the cost of maintaining playing surfaces.

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