Loddon Shire Mayoral Column

Published on 29 April 2019

Draft budget out for comment

Following its consideration at the April Council meeting, Loddon Shire’s 2019/20 Draft Budget is now out for public comment.

The draft budget sees Council remain in a strong cash position with a small surplus and no new borrowings. It proposes a 2.5 per cent average rate rise which is in line with the State Government’s Fair Go Rates System capping level.

Kerbside rubbish collection charges will increase by 2.5 per cent – this is to assist in ensuring management of waste remains cost neutral.

In addition to ongoing delivery of services to the community, the budget contains a capital expenditure program of $13.68 million. This includes $4.71 million for roads, $4.51 million for recreational, leisure and community facilities, $0.92 million for urban and road drainage, $0.26 million for footpaths and $0.55 million for parks, open space and streetscapes.

There is a continuing commitment to Council’s Community Planning program of $750,000 as well as support for aged services and early years programs.

Copies of the 2019/20 Draft Budget can be accessed from Council’s website at http://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/Our-documents

Hard copies are available for inspection at Council offices in Wedderburn and Serpentine as well as at post offices, resource centres and neighbourhood houses across the Shire.

Written submissions to the draft budget will close at 5pm on Friday 24 May 2019.

Council will meet to consider submissions at the Council Forum on Tuesday 11 June. Council will then consider adoption of the Draft Budget at its Ordinary Meeting on Tuesday 25 June 2019.

Activating Open Spaces Strategy out for comment

At its April meeting, Council also resolved to advertise the draft Activating Open Spaces Strategy for public comment.

The Activating Open Spaces Strategy is a key strategic planning tool that aims to develop and maintain public open spaces throughout our Shire. It provides strategies designed to activate and optimise the use of reserves and open spaces to maximise the wider health and wellbeing, social and recreation objectives of residents.

Development of the draft strategy saw significant consultation; including 273 residents throughout the Shire (involving youth, school children, senior citizens, community groups and general community) as well as agencies and Council officers. An audit of all public spaces in the Shire was also undertaken to assess the type of infrastructure available in our Shire, its condition and opportunities for improvement. 

You can view the draft Activating Open Spaces Strategy at Council offices in Wedderburn and Serpentine or online at www.loddon.vic.gov.au/Our-documents

Comments regarding the draft strategy close at 5pm, Tuesday 14 May 2019.

Active Living Census coming in May

Mayors and Chief Executive Officers from six local government areas (including Loddon Shire) came together last week to launch the Healthy Heart of Victoria 2019 Active Living Census.

The census, which starts on 20 May, will be delivered to more than 117,000 homes in the Loddon Campaspe region. The region includes Loddon Shire, City of Greater Bendigo as well as Campaspe, Mount Alexander, Macedon Ranges and Central Goldfields shire councils.

The Loddon Campaspe region has some of the worst health outcomes in Victoria with higher rates of smoking and poorer diet behaviours than other parts of the state. The aim of the census is to seek valid local and regional level data on the community’s health behaviours, activity levels, preferences and needs.

The census can also be filled out online at www.srcentre.com.au/ALC from 20 May until 16 June.

I encourage all residents to take the time to fill out the Active Living Census.

Recycling – white goods and metal

During this financial year, 147 white goods items were collected in Loddon Shire (at 5.88 tonnes) and 152 tonnes of metal (this excludes hard waste collections).

White goods contain significant amounts of metal, plastic, insulating material, refrigerant (gases) and other non-renewable and valuable material. By recycling the various components of white goods, it keeps toxic substances from entering the environment.

Recycling scrap metal also means that waste products come full circle to become new materials and products. Recycled scrap metal has a lot of uses – from sheet metal to piping and wires to food containers, as well as cars and furniture. It also reduces the demand to extract raw commodity metals.

Did you know?

The Fire Services Property Levy (FSPL), which is an amount that appears on rates notices, is a state government levy managed on behalf of the State Government by local councils. The FSPL has a fixed and a variable component, with the rate determined yearly by the State Revenue Office. All funds collected by Council are forwarded to the State Revenue Office.  Further information is available from our website: www.loddon.vic.gov.au/Live/Your-home/Your-property-valuation-and-rates/Fire-Services-Property-Levy

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