Mayoral Column 28 September 2015

Published on 28 September 2015

Residents encouraged to be fire ready

With fire restrictions set to come into place in October or November, residents are being encouraged to clean up their properties now.

Fire restrictions will prevent residents from being able to burn off in the open air without a permit.

Loddon Shire is encouraging residents to clean out gutters, reduce fuel loads around their properties and maintain their grass.

The Council is also encouraging residents to conduct any maintenance on fire protection equipment prior to the fire restriction season starting.

This is also a timely reminder to review your household fire plan and ensure everyone in your home understands the plan and their associated responsibilities.

Adventure seekers can explore

The finishing touches are being applied to Inglewood’s Sloan Park, as its adventure playground comes to life.

The playground is currently in use, after some of the equipment was installed earlier this year.

Since then, Council has erected a fence around the playground and bridges over the dry creek beds.

A pyramid, birds nest swing, four bay swings and hammock have been installed.

The Men’s Shed has also played a massive part in the transformation of the park, with the donation of handcrafted mushroom seats.

The project is forecast to cost $80,000, with $30,000 contributed by the state government, $15,000 from Council’s Community Planning budget and $35,000 from Council’s Playground Development budget.

The playground will complement the pool upgrade which will commence in the coming months.

Shooting hoops in Pyramid Hill

Residents will be shooting hoops after the completion of a recreational basketball court in Kelly Park, Pyramid Hill.

The 10m by 10m half court is nearing completion and will be ready in time for the town’s multicultural festival.

The $25,000 court is located at the site where the old skate ramp was. It is hoped the installation of both a basketball ring and netball ring will see Loddon’s youth regularly visiting the facility.

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