Mayoral Column 27 November 2017
Published on 27 November 2017
Customer service community workshops
It has been great to hear about the positive response from our residents to Council’s customer service survey, with around 120 community members providing their feedback regarding Council’s customer service and areas for improvement.
Now Council would like to hear your ideas about how its customer service might be improved by attending a community workshop this Thursday (30 November) or Friday (1 December).
The Thursday workshops will be held at the Pyramid Hill Senior Citizens Centre (from 10am to 12pm), Boort Senior Citizens Centre (2pm to 4pm) and Wedderburn Senior Citizens Centre (6pm to 8pm).
On Friday the workshops will be at Inglewood Town Hall (10am to 12pm) and Tarnagulla Senior Citizens Centre (2pm to 4pm).
These workshops are another great opportunity to discuss in further detail Council’s current level of customer service, as well as provide your input as to how it may be improved.
Feedback from the surveys and the upcoming community workshops will help Council to develop its Customer Service Strategy and Customer Service Charter.
There’s no need to register to attend a workshop – simply turn up at a session time that’s convenient to you.
For more information regarding the community workshops call Council on 5494 1200.
Fundraising for Donaldson Park redevelopment
The Donaldson Park Redevelopment Committee has launched a fundraising campaign to help raise money towards a new purpose-built sporting and community complex at the site.
Donaldson Park is a key focal point of community life and is home to Wedderburn’s football, netball, hockey and harness racing clubs. The new complex will replace the area’s three ageing pavilions.
Plans for the new complex include social rooms (with seating for up to 150 people), new kitchen, meeting room, kiosk, bar, office, change rooms and trainers’ and first aid room. The building will also meet sustainability guidelines, including installation of solar panels and battery storage (reducing future running costs) as well as sustainable water practices.
Funds towards the project are being raised through the Australian Sports Foundation. The foundation is a Federal Government body that raises money for Australian sport.
You can make a tax deductible donation to the Donaldson Park Redevelopment project through the Australian Sports Foundation at
Concept plans for the new complex are expected to be launched before Christmas.
Register now for the Lap Swim Challenge
With all five of Loddon Shire’s pools now open and ready for the warmer months ahead, why not cool off and swim your way towards better health with the Loddon Lap Swim Challenge?
The challenge, which will kick off on Monday 4 December, runs until the end of the pool season on 12 March 2018 (Labour Day weekend). It’s open to residents of all ages, with two challenges to choose from – an eight-week block or a four-week block.
The eight-week challenges are open until 8 January, while the four-week challenges are open for registration until 29 January.
You can choose any four or eight-week block during the summer swimming season to set your personal lap goal, log your progress and share your success.
To get started, pick up a registration form and logbook from your local Loddon pool, choose your challenge and get swimming!
Information is available from your local pool or by contacting Council’s Community Development Officer Carmel Pethick on 5494 1200.