Mayoral Column 27 July 2015
Published on 27 July 2015
Council to send submission for floodplain management strategy
Loddon Shire Council is in the process of preparing a submission in response to the Revised Draft Victorian Floodplain Management Strategy, which sets out policies and accountabilities for the ongoing management of floodplains across Victoria.
It is intended the strategy will replace the 1998 Victorian Flood Strategy and will align with the Victorian government’s response to the Victorian Floods Review and parliamentary inquiry into flood mitigation infrastructure.
After a detailed review of the strategy, a number of concerns have been identified.
Loddon Shire Council will focus its submission on proposed additional responsibilities, accountabilities and cost impositions upon local government.
The main elements of the strategy we are focusing on include provisions relating to increased liability, management of rural levees and stream gauging stations, stream clearing works and floodplain management studies, all of which have the potential to impose significant costs to Loddon Shire.
With a small population and rate base, this proposal has the potential to represent a significant cost burden for Loddon Shire ratepayers.
Public submissions in response to the strategy close on Saturday 8 August 2015.
Loddon partners to develop strategy
Loddon Shire will partner with five councils, VicRoads and the Department of Transport Planning and Local Infrastructure, to develop the Southern Loddon Mallee Integrated Transport Strategy.
The project partners will review all modes of transport within the region, with the aim of identifying projects and initiatives which are important to the future efficiency of commercial and domestic transport locally and more broadly throughout the region.
The Southern Loddon Mallee Integrated Transport Strategy is a great way for Loddon Shire to help shape the future of our transport network locally, as well as influence the focus for transport infrastructure improvements across the broader region.
One of the key drivers for Loddon’s participation is the recognition that local arterial and Council
roads along with other transport infrastructure interacts with the transport network located outside of Council’s boundaries.
Main highways pass through multiple local government areas, providing links to regional and metropolitan markets and facilities.
The reliance on our transport network has the potential to impact the delivery of services and the efficiency of domestic travel, whether it is a truck delivering agricultural products from Loddon to the port, or the efficient operation of a passenger or freight rail network.
The project partners will focus on identifying important transport links and opportunities to work towards providing a better service for roads or rail networks.
The consultation will take some time with the collaboration of councils, key stakeholders and the broader community. It is expected a final report will be available by the end of the year.
Sign up now for preschool
Enrolments for four-year-old places next year in any of the five preschools in the Loddon Kindergarten Cluster are now open.
Expressions of interest are also open for three-year-old groups.
Application forms are available from the preschools, Maternal and Child Health centres, Council’s Wedderburn and Serpentine offices and through the Council website, Alternatively, you can apply online on the Council website.
The closing date for applications is Friday 28 August.
For more information, call Council’s Early Years Co-ordinator Alycia O’Sullivan on 5437 7999.