Mayoral Column 26 November 2018

Published on 26 November 2018

Sports Focus Award finalist

Congratulations to Wedderburn volunteer Sharyn Lockhart who was named as the Loddon Shire finalist for the Sports Focus Administrator of the Year Award.

Sports Focus supports the development of sustainable sport and an active recreation sector in the Loddon Campaspe region. The Administrator of the Year Award, now in its 30th year, recognises the achievements and contribution made by volunteer administrators to the sport and active recreation sector in their communities.

Sharyn was recognised for her role in working tirelessly to help amalgamate the Wedderburn football, netball and hockey clubs to form the Wedderburn Redbacks, of which she is now President.

Additionally, I’d like to acknowledge and congratulate Simon Tuohey, who was also nominated for Loddon Shire for his contributions to the Serpentine Recreation Reserve Committee of Management.

On-farm energy grants

The on-farm energy grants program is currently open, with applications for Tier Two and Tier Three on-farm energy grants recently launched. Tier One on-farm energy grants, which opened on 17 August this year, are still available.

The on-farm energy grants program helps farmers better manage energy costs by improving energy efficiency, boosting own generation and investing in new technology. It is part of Agriculture Victoria’s $30 million Agriculture Energy Investment Plan.

Tier One on-farm energy grants has funding of up to $50,000 for eligible farmers and relevant projects and Tier Two $50,000 to $250,000 for energy improvements across farm systems. Tier Three on-farm energy grants has $250,000 to $1 million for strategic projects that benefit multiple farm businesses and make a positive contribution to the region.

To be eligible for an on-farm energy grant, a free on-farm energy assessment is required. The on-farm energy assessment will provide recommendations on how to improve the energy efficiency and productivity of your farm business.

To find out more and to apply for an on-farm energy assessment or an on-farm energy grant visit

Victoria Against Violence

Each year, Victoria Against Violence coincides with the global 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence campaign.

From 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) to 10 December (International Human Rights Day), Victoria Against Violence invites individuals, families, organisations, businesses, students and all levels of government in Victoria to stand together to prevent family and gender violence. Loddon Shire Council is proud to support this campaign, including through promoting Victoria Against Violence online and via social media.

The Victoria Against Violence theme for 2018 is #OrangeCard. Inspired by the penalty system in soccer, the #OrangeCard is a social platform designed to give Victorians a way to speak up, speak out and become a genuine part of the solution to family violence.

For more information visit

Landcare Smart Farms Small Grants

Organisations are invited to apply for the Federal Government’s National Landcare Program - Smart Farms Small Grants program.

The program supports the adoption of best practices that improve the management and quality of our natural resources and increases on-farm productivity.

This open, competitive grant opportunity is designed for one to two-year projects to increase farming, forestry and fishing communities’ awareness, knowledge, skills and capacity to adopt sustainable natural resource management best practice.

To find out more, visit and click on “National Landcare Program - Smart Farms Small Grants” on the site’s front page.

Applications close at 11:30 pm, 11 January 2019.

Did you know?

In 2017/18, Council graded 1,598 kilometres of roads, inspected 2,442 kilometres of roads, completed 7,537 road defects and 1,888 Townscape Services defects.

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