Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 26 August 2019

Published on 26 August 2019

Loddon women’s health needs

The Murray Primary Health Network have commissioned Bendigo Loddon Primary Care Partnership together with Women’s Health Loddon Mallee to undertake a women’s health needs analysis for the Loddon Shire. The partnership will focus on the primary care and social needs of the women of Loddon Shire to identify current gaps in health systems and services. They are looking to engage Loddon women in conversation to understand their current ability to access healthcare services and what services are most important to them in order to live healthy and happy lives.

Informal conversations will be held throughout Loddon between August and September 2019 to discuss all things health over morning or afternoon tea and refreshments. Women and women’s groups throughout Loddon are encouraged to participate in the project. For more information, contact Samantha Turner at Bendigo Loddon Primary Care Partnership on 03 4444 2414 or email: samanthaturner@bchs.com.au.

Best vanilla slice in Australia right here in Loddon

Congratulations to Patrick and Therese O’Toole at the Bridgewater Bakehouse for winning the Great Australian Vanilla Slice Triumph for the second year in a row. The competition was held in Mildura on 17 August and attracted a strong field of accomplished bakers from across the country. Pat and the team are extremely proud that the hard work and attention to detail has been recognised in this national award.

Back-to-back wins certainly establish the position of Bridgewater Bakehouse beyond doubt as expert producers of the sweet treat. This will hopefully attract even more visitors to the region to enjoy the flaky pastry and creamy custard that the Bakehouse is famous for. Well done to the team at Bridgewater.

Support for young Australians in primary industries

Young people aged between 18 and 35 who are working or studying in a forestry, agriculture or fisheries related industry can apply for a grant to turn their original research ideas into reality.

Since 2011 the Science and Innovation Awards have helped more than 250 young researchers by funding projects that will benefit Australia’s primary industries. There are 11 industry category grants available, worth up to $22,000 each to encourage young scientists, researchers and innovators who want to make a difference.

Applications are open until 4 October 2019. For more information visit the website http://www.agriculture.gov.au/abares/conferences-events/scienceawards

Shaping the future of irrigation farming

The Loddon Campaspe Irrigation Regional Land and Water Management Plan is an opportunity to help identify local farming priorities and then help communities gain funding to address those issues. These could involve concerns around farm planning, building knowledge and stewardship to help with decision-making, supporting innovation and new technology or land-use and capacity questions.

A series of community workshops will be held across the region to encourage locals to take action and help influence government investment in land and water management. The workshops will be held at Pyramid Hill and Boort on Thursday 29 August. For details contact Mandy Coulson at North Central CMA on mandy.coulson@nccma.vic.gov.au or call 5440 1807. Register for tickets at https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/shaping-the-future-of-irrigation-farming-tickets-66970968971

Regional Growth Summit

Small businesses, startups and scale-ups throughout Victoria will have the opportunity to learn about using digital technology to build healthy and sustainable businesses at the Inaugural Regional Growth Summit to be held Tuesday 3 September 2019. This summit will provide pivotal support by promoting connection with technology leaders, local support through Council, and like-minded entrepreneurs within the ecosystem. The participants will gain access to the tools and information that will help their business grow.

Business owners face many challenges but these can increase when businesses are based in regional Victoria with limited access to educational or interactive events due to their location. So while the summit will be held in Bendigo, participants throughout Victoria who are unable to attend in person will be able to interact by tuning in online to the live stream. Topics covered will include: a panel discussion about using digital tools to grow business, how to build eCommerce business, using accounting platforms to save time and money, digital payments and more.

Participants should register their attendance for the Summit at https://www.marketingentourage.online/courses/regional-growth-virtual-summit

National Scams Awareness Week

The recent National Scams Awareness Week was an opportunity for the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) to warn people to be vigilant of scams.

There are countless types of scams with new ones emerging constantly. Scammers are becoming increasingly sophisticated with Australians predicted to lose a record amount in 2019, in excess of $532 million.

Investment scams, lottery and cryptocurrency scams are particularly common. According to the ACCC, scammers are increasingly using trusted brands like NBN to trick unsuspecting consumers into parting with money or personal information, with people aged over 65 particularly vulnerable. Australians are losing more money to NBN scams than any other, with an average of over $100,000 lost every month.

In response, NBN has launched an awareness campaign to help educate and protect people from scammers. This includes urging people not to share personal or financial information or give remote access to their computer or device to any unsolicited callers. NBN does not make automated or robocalls. If in doubt, consumers should hang up and call their retail service provider to verify information.

If you think a scammer has gained access to your personal information, contact your financial institution immediately.

Did you know?

In mentioning innovation that can benefit our primary industries, in the Loddon Shire Agriculture (including forestry and fishing) accounts for over 37% of employment and includes dairy, horticulture, viticulture, cropping, lamb, cattle, intensive poultry and piggeries. This is significantly higher in comparison to elsewhere in regional Victoria.

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