NOTES FROM LODDON 24 October 2016

Published on 24 October 2016

Loddon reaching the heart of government

Loddon Shire Council Chief Executive Officer Phil Pinyon hosted a brainstorming session about better roads and public transport at the Loddon Campaspe Regional Partnership Regional Assembly on Wednesday.

The inaugural Regional Assembly demonstrated how members of the Loddon Campaspe Regional Partnership could work together to deliver a collective voice straight to the heart of government.

In this instance key messages were delivered direct to Premier Daniel Andrews and several Ministers who travelled to Bendigo for the Regional Assembly which was attended by some 160 people.

The Loddon Campaspe Regional Partnership is one of the Victorian Government’s nine new Partnerships designed to funnel a region’s most pressing issues direct to the decision makers.

Loddon Shire residents are well positioned to have their voice heard, with CEO Phil Pinyon appointed as a member of the Partnership.

At Wednesday’s Regional Assembly several priority topics formed the focus of group discussions.

These included better roads and public transport, increasing participation in education, investment and jobs, health and wellbeing, environment and renewables, internet and mobile connectivity.

Do you have an idea about opportunities and issues affecting Loddon Campaspe which you would like to reach the decision makers?

You can share your thoughts by joining the online conversation at

Joining together to tackle Corella concerns

Loddon Shire Council is supporting an ongoing plan to manage property damage and noise issues created by Bridgewater’s seasonal Corella population.

Council CEO Phil Pinyon joined Corella expert Ian Temby, DEWLP wildlife experts, Bridgewater on Loddon Development Committee of Management (BOLD) representatives and interested community members at a recent public meeting.

The meeting heard that much of the destructive behaviour demonstrated by the Corella population related to beak maintenance and that any scaring program required tactical variation.

As part of that variation, a suggestion was made to trial the use of a drone (unmanned aerial vehicle) with audio recordings.

Approvals for the scaring program are currently being sought.

Council temporarily suspends Road Management Plan

A decision has been made to suspend Council’s Road Management Plan due flood response work.

The Plan provides that under exceptional circumstances, required routine maintenance works can be delayed.

Pressing road safety issues have taken priority over work listed in the Road Management Plan which covers routine tasks such as pot hole repairs, signage replacement and roadside vegetation control.

Council will continue to focus on high priority flood response tasks to improve road safety and accessibility.

The Road Management Plan will be resumed as soon as practically possible.

Wedderburn streetscape project on hold

The Wedderburn Streetscape Improvement Project will remain on hold pending the outcome of a full VCAT hearing, to be held towards the end of the year.

At a VCAT preliminary practice day hearing on 23 September it was determined that an objection to removal of the fence surrounding Jacka Park should be explored further through a full VCAT hearing to be held in mid-December.

As such, the planning permit which would allow Council to commence the broader streetscape project has not yet been granted.

Other grounds of objections brought before the preliminary practice day hearing were dismissed.

Council is looking forward to resolving the matter in December so this important Wedderburn project can proceed.

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