Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 24 June 2019

Published on 24 June 2019

Reminder: e-waste ban starts from 1 July

From this coming Monday (1 July) the Victorian Government’s electronic waste (e-waste) ban will come into effect. The ban means no e-waste items can be put in your general household kerbside bin. Instead, e-waste items must be taken to one of Council’s landfill or transfer station sites.

E-waste is classified as anything with a battery, plug or cord – from old phones, computers and household appliances to power tools and toys.

According to Sustainability Victoria, e-waste is growing three times faster than general municipal waste. E-waste has many potentially hazardous and valuable materials that don‘t belong in landfill, as well as materials that can be recovered and reused – tin, nickel, zinc, aluminium, copper, silver, gold and plastic.

As mentioned in a column at the beginning of this month, to help prepare for the e-waste ban, Boort Landfill and Recycle and the Inglewood Transfer Station have upgraded their e-waste recycling facilities, including safely storing and collecting e-waste.

Council will continue to collect e-waste from all landfill and transfer station sites across the Shire after 1 July 2019. This will be transported to the upgraded infrastructure periodically for recycling collection.

Please note that the disposal of e-waste is subject to a fee. This is because of the costs involved in reprocessing these items (and some e-waste items requiring special handling due to the fact they contain toxic chemicals).

To find out more about the e-waste ban go to http://ewaste.vic.gov.au  

For opening days and times of Council’s landfill and transfer station sites (and fees) go to: www.loddon.vic.gov.au/Live/Your-home/Garbage-and-recycling/Landfill-tips-and-recycle-timetable

Taking pride in your property

The recent rains have certainly been welcomed across our Shire, with positive effects on our crops and overall “greening” noticeable when travelling around our region.

The rain has also resulted in growth of grass on nature strips. Unfortunately, in some cases, this grass growth has become excessive, which in turn makes a property look untidy.

Neglecting to maintain excessive growth on nature strips further affects the overall appearance of our streets and can lead to negative perceptions of our Shire from visitors. Ensuring your property’s nature strip is maintained is about taking pride in where you live, your street, your community and the overall liveability of our Shire.

On behalf of Council, I’d like to thank our landowners for their cooperation in making sure their property’s nature strip is kept neat and tidy.

Dingee’s Best Recipes Book launch

The Dingee Bush Nursing Centre will be holding a free community barbecue lunch this Sunday 30 June from 11am to 2pm.

The barbecue is to launch Dingee’s Best Recipes book, which features recipes from the community and district members, groups, organisations and businesses. 

Everyone is welcome to attend the free community barbecue, which will also include raffles and giveaways.

For more information contact the Dingee Bush Nursing Centre on 5436 8309 or email centre.manager@dbnc.com.au 

Nominate a Victorian Senior of the Year

Do you know an older Victorian who makes a difference in their community? Maybe it’s a leader who inspires others, a behind-the-scenes organiser, or a person who delivers services. Perhaps you know an organisation that improves the lives of older people.

If so, you’re encouraged to nominate them for the 2019 Victorian Senior of the Year Awards.

Award categories include the Premier’s Award for Victorian Senior of the Year, Promotion of Multiculturalism Award, Healthy and Active Living Award, Veteran Community Award, Council on the Ageing Victoria Senior Achiever Awards and Age-Friendly Victoria Award.

Nominations must be submitted by Friday 5 July 2019. For more information (and a nomination form) visit www.seniorsonline.vic.gov.au/awards

Did you know?

Loddon Shire Council manages a number of one and two-bedroom self-contained units, providing accommodation to older residents. The properties are located in Dingee, Pyramid Hill and Serpentine. Vacancies are advertised in local newspapers and community news.

Residents can indicate an ‘Expression of Interest’ in a unit by contacting Council’s Community Care department on (03) 5494 1201. When a vacancy arises in that area, an application form will be mailed to you.

To find out more go to: www.loddon.vic.gov.au/Live/Services-for-our-older-residents-and-people-with-disabilities/Housing-for-seniors

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