Mayoral Column 24 July 2017

Published on 24 July 2017

Roadside Management Plan Community Open Houses

Council is currently preparing a new Roadside Management Plan and would like to hear from our community, including through a series of Community Open House events to be held across the Shire during August.

These open houses are an opportunity for you to put forward your ideas to help develop practical, local actions for roadside management in the Loddon Shire.

The first open house will be in Boort on Wednesday, 2 August at the Boort Resource and Information Centre, followed by an open house at the Pyramid Hill Senior Citizens Centre on Thursday, 3 August.

Open houses will then be held at the Wedderburn Community Centre on Tuesday, 8 August, Inglewood Town Hall on Wednesday, 9 August and Newbridge Public Hall on Thursday, 10 August.

All Community Open House events will run from 6pm to 7.30pm and include light refreshments.

To RSVP or for more information about the Roadside Management Plan, contact Jaclyne Scally at RM Consulting Group on 0468 813 609 or via email

Help the planning of the Loddon Healthy Minds Network

The Loddon Healthy Minds Network is seeking your input to gain a better understanding of key issues to focus on and how it can best respond to the needs of Loddon communities. This input will help the network develop its direction and activities for the next five years.

I encourage residents to provide their valuable input into the network’s planning by taking some time to participate in the survey that is now available. All responses are anonymous, and the results will be reported in aggregate data sets.

A copy of the survey will be sent to random households. An electronic survey can also be completed by going to You can also have a copy mailed to you by contacting Stacey or Lacey from Council’s Community Wellbeing team on 5494 1200.

The Loddon Healthy Minds Network was formed in 2007 to provide advocacy and support for people living with mental health issues in the Loddon Shire. The network is committed to reducing the stigma of mental health and advocating for appropriate mental health support in the Loddon Shire with a key focus on suicide prevention and awareness. 

For further information or assistance, please contact Council’s Community Development Officer Carmel Pethick on 5494 1253.

Occasional Care gets underway

Families with children living in the Inglewood and Dingee areas now have access to occasional child care during terms three and four, with sessions in the towns starting this week.

Dingee occasional care sessions will run Mondays from 1.45pm to 3.30pm, Tuesdays from 12.30pm to 3.30pm and Wednesdays from 1.45pm to 3.30pm.

Inglewood occasional care will run Thursdays from 1.45 to 3.45pm.

The program, which will run from the towns’ kindergarten buildings, is available to families with children aged from three to six years and who are not at school.

The cost is just $8 per hour, with a 10 per cent discount provided to families who book their child into the program for an entire term.

The occasional care program will also provide child care during school hours for children eligible to travel to kinder on the school bus. This means children will be able to return home on the bus at the end of the school day, saving families from making several trips into town.

To book, call 5437 7999 the day before you would like your child to attend the occasional care session.

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