Mayoral Column 22 January 2018
Published on 22 January 2018
Celebrate our nation this Friday
As mentioned in last week’s column, Australia Day celebrations will be taking place this Friday across the Shire.
The day will feature a number of events in our towns, including breakfasts, morning teas, barbecue lunches and dinners, swimming carnivals, merry-go-rounds and more.
This Australia Day I’m looking forward to the announcement and presentations of Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year, Community Group/Event of the Year awards and Community Services Award. These awards acknowledge the outstanding contribution made by community members and are fantastic recognition of the hard work of those who give so much back to our community.
There will also be speeches from our Australia Day ambassadors, special flag raising ceremonies and national anthem renditions.
Australia Day celebrations will take place at:
• Nolan’s Park in Boort at 9.15am
• Sloan’s Park in Bridgewater at 8am
• Eddington Community Centre at 8am
• Inglewood Swimming Pool at 11am
• Jarklin Hall at 8.30am
• Newbridge Hall at 11.15am
• Pyramid Hill Hall at 6pm, including a citizenship ceremony
• Soldiers Memorial Park at Tarnagulla at 5pm
• Jacka Park in Wedderburn at 5pm
If you are able, don’t forget to also view the terrific variety of creative entries for the literature, colouring and photography competitions around the themes “Energy” and “Volunteer Groups in the Loddon Shire”.
I’d also like to acknowledge the tireless efforts of the Loddon Australia Day Committee for helping bring these events to our towns. Every year the committee works hard to ensure we can come together as a community and celebrate our nation.
To find out more, visit Council’s website
Final works for Wedderburn streetscape
The final stages of the Wedderburn Streetscape Improvement Project are currently underway.
The project’s civil construction is almost complete, with works for the final section of the streetscape (in front of the Uniting Church) in progress.
A request for quote has been advertised for the streetscape’s landscaping, after which these works will commence as soon as possible. Landscaping is expected to be completed by the end of this financial year at the latest.
These landscaping works will include grassed areas and garden beds with native vegetation, the planting of approximately 46 trees along the street and in its verges, an increased number of waste bins and installation of street furniture, including park benches.
The streetscape project has been made possible thanks to funding from the Federal Government, Regional Development Victoria and Council.
Call Council before clearing native vegetation
Due to an update of native vegetation controls in the Loddon Planning Scheme, Council is encouraging residents to give its Planning staff a call before undertaking any clearing of native vegetation.
The update to the planning scheme by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning comes after a review of the current controls. It aims to protect native vegetation while maintaining a balance with continued activities on land, such as farming.
Native vegetation is plants that are indigenous to Victoria, including trees, shrubs, herbs and grasses. The purpose of native vegetation controls is to ensure there is no net loss to biodiversity as a result of the removal, destruction or lopping of native vegetation.
If you need to clear native vegetation for land activities, it’s important that you contact Council on 5494 1200 to discuss the native vegetation controls.
You can view the amended version of the Loddon Planning Scheme at
Information about the review of native vegetation clearing regulations can be viewed at