Mayoral Column 21 March 2016

Published on 21 March 2016

Event management guide launched

Our municipality is fortunate to have a strong voluntary community who tirelessly set about the business of organising events for the benefit of all.

However, organising an event can be a complex task, and it can be difficult to keep abreast of regulations designed to safely manage all that is involved.

Loddon Shire is committed to ensuring events run within the municipality are of the highest possible standard, and to this end, has created an event management guide.

The practical guide, which can be downloaded from Council’s website, has been produced to assist event organisers to understand event requirements and the applicable approvals required.

In a simple, user friendly format, the guide sets event organisers on the right path to correctly managing issues such as food safety, consumption of alcohol, signage, road closures and traffic management, waste management, first aid, access and insurance.

The event management guide is an invaluable tool in saving time and potential headaches.

I would encourage interested community members to hop onto Council’s website at, click on the “Our documents” tab, scroll down to “Plans and strategies” to locate and download the document entitled “Event Management – a Guide for Organisers of Events”.

We welcome feedback on the guide, which we hope will make your job that little bit easier.

Time to register your pets

Cat and dog registration time has rolled around again, and renewal notices are arriving in responsible pet owners’ mail boxes.

Renewal notices, to be paid by April 10, have been posted to the owners of 2,260 dogs and 369 cats registered with Loddon Shire Council in the last financial year.

Sadly we know there are many more cats and dogs within the Shire which we have no record of, and are unable to return should they go astray.

During the last financial year, Council impounded 137 cats and not a single one was able to be identified and returned to its owner.

This figure was better for dogs with 18 of the 35 impounded being safely returned home, but clearly there is room for improvement.

The simple fact is if a cat or dog isn’t micro-chipped and registered they cannot be identified and reunited with their owner.

In the best interests of your pet, your family and the community, please ensure your registration renewal is paid by the due date.

All cats and dogs over three months of age are required by law to be micro-chipped or registered.

If you have an unregistered pet in your care, please take this opportunity to contact Council and rectify the situation, without fear of penalty, as soon as possible.

A free taste of comedy festival

Comedian Sean Murphy is set to stop off in Inglewood on his way to The Melbourne Comedy Festival.

The Sydney based comedian is scheduled to perform at the Inglewood Senior Citizens Centre on Wednesday 30 March between 4pm and 5pm.

Goldfields Library Corporation has organised the free family performance as part of its school holiday program.

It is the first time the program has extended to Loddon Shire, which is one of four municipalities in the library region.

The event presents a great opportunity for families within our Shire to be treated to a free, high quality performance.

Pop the date on your calendar and bring the family along to spark their imagination, develop a love of story and simply have a good laugh!

For further details contact Tammy Higgs on (03) 5449 2771, or email

Tip closures over Easter

While some people enjoy a mini break over Easter, others stay closer to home and take the opportunity to have a clean-up around the yard.

If you’re planning on having a bit of working bee please note that Council’s transfer station and landfill sites will not be open on the usual scheduled days over Easter.

Due to public holidays over this period, the Boort, Pyramid Hill, Newbridge and Wedderburn facilities will be closed on Easter Sunday.

Council’s Inglewood site will be closed on Easter Saturday.


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