Mayoral Column 20 June 2016

Published on 20 June 2016

Calling our dairy community to Calivil

Dairy farmers, their families and others impacted by recent industry changes, will converge on Calivil Hall from noon this Thursday (June 23).

The gathering has been organised by Council in a bid to support our farming community through broadly publicised challenges.

While I intend to speak at the event, I’m equally looking forward to listening to what our dairy farmers and others impacted by recent developments have to say.

Council’s Agribusiness Development Officer Darryn Hartnett will introduce keynote speakers Richard Cross of Murray Dairy and Warwick James from the Australian Broadcasting Commission.

Representatives from Rural Counselling and other community groups will be on site to provide individual support, advice and information.

While the need for an event of this nature was identified through direct consultation with impacted families within the municipality, interested residents from adjoining Shires are most welcome to attend.

Light refreshments will be provided.

For further information about the community event phone Darryn Hartnett on 0438 687 296.

Listening and acting following fuel spill

Strong community consultation following the Inglewood fuel spill has resulted in a decision to reinstate a brick lined drain in the 170 metre section closest to the highway.

It became clear at community meetings that residents considered it important the drain be rebuilt in line with the historic appearance of the town.

The insurer agreed to reinstate a brick lined drain where it matters most, in the section clearly visible from the highway entrance to the historic town.

Meanwhile, the base of the drain through the golf club and crown land will be a concrete invert.

At a community meeting earlier this month it was decided there wasn’t a need for any future community meetings about the issue.

However individual concerns can always be raised and addressed by contacting our works manager Steve Phillips by at our Wedderburn office on 5494 1200. 

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank residents for their continued patience when travelling through Inglewood as restoration work continues.

Loddon receives healthy report card

Our annual community report card is in and while we’re always looking for ways to do things better, it has returned encouraging results.

The 2016 Loddon Shire Council Community Satisfaction Survey reveals a customer service rating above the state average, which is no small accomplishment for a small rural Council.

Another noteworthy finding was that our Councillors were rated as among the best things about Loddon Shire Council.

This is a satisfying result on many levels and is perhaps indicative of how fortunate we are to live in what I would consider to on the whole be a cohesive and supportive community.

Other areas of high community satisfaction included Loddon Shire’s sport and recreation facilities, parks and gardens, waste management services and road and street maintenance.

As with any report card, there were areas you would like to see us doing more in and we’ll keep this information firmly in sight as we strive to further meet your expectations in the next 12 months.

Government Service Centre to visit Loddon

Whether you’re a job hunter, carer, farmer or pensioner the Australian Government Mobile Service Centre may be of assistance when it rolls into town.

With the service set to visit Calivil, Dingee and Laanecoorie later this month residents are able to access face to face and self service assistance, information and support.

The Australian Government Mobile Service Centre is designed to specifically support rural communities by providing convenient access to payments and services.

On Tuesday 28 June the Mobile Service Centre will be stationed near the Calivil Football Ground, Prairie West Road, between 9.30am and 11.30am.

It will then move on to Dingee where it will be open for business opposite the public hall in Mack Street between 1.30pm and 4pm.

On Wednesday 29 June the Government Service Centre will answer your questions between 9am and 11am near the Mechanics Institute Hall in Main Street, Laanecoorie.

For further information go to and search for Mobile Service Centre or phone 132 316.

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