Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 2 September 2019
Published on 02 September 2019
Council supports local football
As the 2019 winter sport season draws to a close, I would like to congratulate all the players, supporters and officials taking part in club sport such as football, netball and hockey who help ensure that these activities are accessible to participants of all ages. It is also timely to reflect on the role that organised sport plays in developing healthy communities.
Taking part in physical activity in outdoor spaces is well documented to have benefits for health and mental wellbeing. By ensuring everyone has access to recreation facilities and by supporting community sports and recreation opportunities, Council promotes connected communities and encourages everyone to look out for one another.
The delivery of the winter sports program at the nine major recreation reserves throughout the Loddon Shire represents a large part of the physical activity and social interaction of the wider Loddon community. Council has recognised this by financially supporting the recreation reserves’ access to irrigation water to keep the grounds in top condition, which enables teams to fully participate in organised sport.
Good luck to everyone taking part in finals in the coming weeks, I wish you every success.
Community Grants Scheme announcements
The successful applicants of the Community Grants Scheme were decided at this week’s Council meeting. Grants of up to $10,000 were available for not-for-profit clubs and organisations based in the Loddon Shire to deliver projects that directly benefit residents.
The Community Grants Scheme aims to help not-for-profit organisations enhance the provision of activities, facilities or delivery of services to people in our community. Council started the scheme in 2000 to assist recreation, sporting and service organisations with projects that improve the quality of life for residents. Since the scheme was initiated, Council has invested over $2 million supporting over seven hundred community-based projects.
Council’s 2019/20 budget includes an allocation of $200,000 for the Community Grants Scheme with 29 applications considered. The successful organisations will be able to deliver improvements and developments to the community to include such things as ease of access, enable greater participation and improve the amenities by purchase or upgrade of equipment. Successful applicants will be advised in due course.
Congratulations newest citizens
It was a pleasure to welcome our Shire’s newest Australian citizens Peter Gargan originally from Ireland and Xiaoyu Liu originally from China. They were presented with their citizenship certificates at a ceremony prior to last Tuesday’s Council meeting at the Serpentine office.
Kinship Carers Week 2019
Since 2011 the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has funded Grandparents Victoria to establish a kinship carer network across Victoria to promote and represent kinship carers.
Kinship carers raise over 70% of the children in out-of-home care across Victoria and are responsible for ensuring positive outcomes for these vulnerable children. Kinship Carers Week, which runs from 8 to 14 September, is a way of celebrating and supporting the tremendous work of these carers. This is the first time that Kinship Week has been staged and will be welcomed as a way of sharing stories and support with the broader community.
A morning tea will be held at the Boardwalk, 28 Nolan Street Bendigo from 10.30am on Wednesday 11 September. RSVP is essential: sheree.mcGuane@anglicarevic.org.au 03 5440 1100.
Naturally Loddon in full swing
Father’s Day at Piccoli’s Star Spanner Sculpture Gardens last Sunday marked the official beginning of the 2019 Naturally Loddon Spring Festival. The next event is the Wedderburn Vintage Machinery Rally which takes place at Engine Park, Racecourse Road Wedderburn over the weekend of 7 and 8 September. The Rally is full of action for families and enthusiasts, with old engines, farm machinery and many fascinating items from yesteryear on display.
For more information about this event or any of the others on the calendar which will help you discover even more of our wonderful region, call or email the Loddon Visitor Information Centre on 5494 1257, email loddonvisitorinformation@loddon.vic.gov.au or visit www.loddon.vic.gov.au
Loddon Bulletin
The spring edition of the quarterly Loddon Bulletin will be arriving in letterboxes of Loddon Shire residents over the coming days. This colourful document is a great source of useful dates and contacts and will help keep you up to date with news, projects and events that affect your community. This issue focuses on the Youth Strategy, Residents’ Satisfaction Survey and ongoing projects around the Shire. You can also download a copy from our website http://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/Our-documents/News-and-announcements/Loddon-Bulletins
Women’s Health Week
Inglewood and District Health Services are celebrating Women’s Health Week with a fun night out at the Wedderburn Mechanics Hall. Women and older girls are invited to dress up for the event which includes a fashion parade and guest, Nelly Thomas. Tickets are $40 including finger food and drinks. Book at cgould@idhs.vic.gov.au or call Cindy Gould 0429 043 838.
Did you know?
Speaking of healthy communities, Loddon Shire features over 113 parcels of public open spaces such as parks, playgrounds, sports ovals, footpaths, cycling or walking tracks, rivers and lakes for the use of residents and visitors. Taking part in physical activity in outdoor spaces improves people's overall sense of health and wellbeing and can reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases.