Mayoral Column 2 October 2017

Published on 02 October 2017

Inglewood Community Hub official opening

It was a great honour to attend last Monday’s official opening of the Inglewood Community Hub by the Hon. Damian Drum MP, Federal Member for Murray and Danielle Green MP, State Member for Yan Yean.

The project was made possible thanks to joint funding from the Federal Government, State Government, Council and Inglewood and District Community Bank who contributed $100,000.

The Town Hall Community Hub will encourage regional groups and organisations to visit Inglewood, house major functions and help foster new businesses.

The project included renovations to the existing kitchen and meeting rooms associated with the town hall.

The new building includes office and community spaces available for hire to community members and businesses, and also accommodates the Inglewood Goldfields Library Agency and Inglewood Community Neighbourhood House.

The project would not have been possible without the financial contributions mentioned above. I would like to take this opportunity to again thank and acknowledge the State and Federal Governments along with the Inglewood and District Community Bank for their generous contributions towards this project.

The new facilities will have a tremendous benefit to the community for a long time to come including many wonderful opportunities for hosting a range of social and business functions.

Start preparing for fire season

With authorities warning of an above average upcoming fire season, I urge all residents to start preparing your property to be fire safe, including clearing long grass, leaves and branches, undergrowth and vegetation.

You should also make sure your property’s gutters are clear as well as remove rubbish and other flammable material lying around your home.

Council has also started fire prevention inspections and preparations for the approaching fire season, such as slashing roadsides to reduce fuel and mowing firebreaks in township areas.

You can find out more about preparing your property by visiting and clicking on “Plan & Prepare” at the top of the page.

At its September meeting last week Council adopted the Neighbourhood Safer Places Plan. The plan lists designated Neighbourhood Safer Places within the Shire in Boort, Bridgewater, Inglewood, Pyramid Hill, Serpentine and Wedderburn.

To view the September 2017 Neighbourhood Safer Places Plan, visit, click on “Our documents” at the top of the page and then “Plans and strategies”.

Draft Tourism Marketing Plan out for comment

Following its presentation at Council’s meeting last week, the draft Tourism Marketing Plan has been advertised for public comment.

The plan, which is an action under Council’s Tourism Strategy 2016-2019, defines the points of difference within the Loddon Valley (including for specific towns) and aims to promote these points of difference to visitors. The plan also looks to improve Council’s digital platforms as well as collaboration between Council, businesses and organisations.

Public feedback to the draft plan closes Monday 16 October at 9am. You can view the draft Tourism Marketing Plan on Council’s website at or contact the Loddon Visitor Information Centre on 5494 1257 for more information.

Women Celebrating Dairy Day

Women connected to or working in the dairy industry are encouraged to get along to the Women Celebrating Dairy Day on Friday 13 October at the Yarrawalla Recreation Reserve.

The free event, which starts at 9.30am (and runs until 2.45pm) will encourage local women to focus on themselves through personal, professional and creative development with a series of workshops and keynote speakers. It is being facilitated by Community Leadership Loddon Murray in conjunction with the Central Victorian Rural Women’s Network.

It also provides an excellent opportunity for an early celebration of World Rural Women’s Day which falls on 15 October.

As there are limited places for the event bookings are essential. You can register at or contact Fiona Jemmett on 0419 117 314 or email

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