Mayoral Column 2 May 2016

Published on 02 May 2016

Council election information sessions

Residents considering running for Council can find out more about what to expect as they explore the journey from citizen to councillor by attending an information session to be held on Wednesday 13 July from 7pm to 9pm at the Serpentine Council Chambers.

The session, open to all community members, but particularly relevant to those wanting to find out what is in involved in standing for Council, will be conducted by the Municipal Association of Victoria.

Those attending will benefit from a number of personal and video presentations covering a range of factual information about the election process, as well as views and advice from a variety of councillors.

For further information about the session, or to register your interest in attending, contact the Wedderburn Council Office on 5494 1200.

Working through business in dry times

Forward planning can make a real difference when it comes to managing through drought, but sometimes it can be difficult to know where to start.

Loddon Shire farmers are encouraged to take advantage of a free practical workshop, delivered by small business experts, to be held at the Boort Resource Information Centre between 6pm and 9.30pm on Tuesday 17 May.

The workshop, offered through Small Business Victoria in conjunction with Loddon Shire Council, is designed to provide relevant, useful advice with a free follow-up mentoring session available to help complete your individual management plan.

Taking time out to meet with other farmers, share ideas and step together through identifying, planning and preparing for the continuing dry conditions can help manage the challenging times at hand.

For further information, or to secure your place in the workshop, contact Christine Coombes on 5494 1251, or email

Encouraging news delivered from Canberra

Council’s recent delegation to Canberra has been encouraged by invaluable face to face discussion surrounding the pressing need to proceed with the construction of the South West Loddon Pipeline.

Acting CEO Marg Allan, Wedderburn Ward Councillor Gavan Holt, and I met with senior advisors of Water Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce and Minister for Regional Development and Deputy Leader of the Nationals, Fiona Nash.

While the outcome of our $10 million submission through the National Stronger Regions Program won’t be known until July, information presented to support our project has been heard and understood, with suggestions being forwarded for further funding sources to secure the balance of funds required.

Our current submission certainly meets the criteria and we now look forward to exploring funding which may be available to us through other sources, as we follow the final financial steps towards delivering a secure water supply for our farming community.

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