Notes from Loddon 19 September 2016
Published on 19 September 2016
Photo caption: Heavy rain flooded the Boort-Wedderburn Road on Tuesday morning.

Photo caption: The cabin at the Bridgewater Caravan Park was spared as levels peaked on Thursday.
Election period column
During the election period the weekly Mayoral Column will be replaced by Notes from Loddon.
Flood management planning
The endorsement of the Bridgewater Flood Management Plan at Tuesday’s Council meeting proved timely, with flood warnings current for several townships within the municipality as the matter was brought to the table.
Following the floods of 2010 and 2011 a number of communities within the Shire called for the development of flood management studies or the design and construction of new or improved levee banks. In response, Council has been working closely with the North Central Catchment Management Authority (NCCMA) to progress investigations or flood protection designs for four of our major townships.
Under the leadership of the NCCMA, The Bridgewater Flood Management Plan represents the first of these studies to be completed and provides the local community and Council with invaluable information with respect to flood behaviour and impacts which can be expected for various sized events.
Development of the plan involved extensive consultation and collaboration between state government agencies, Council and the local community. Through this process numerous recommended actions have been identified, however the construction of levee bank is not currently supported, as a result of community feedback.
To view the Bridgewater Flood Management Plan and the associated recommended actions, visit Council’s website at, click on Our Documents and scroll down to Agendas and Minutes 2016.
Council would like to thank all those involved in the development of this plan, especially the Bridgewater community, for their contribution and efforts.
A life-saving device at hand
Emergency Call Australia is the Triple-Zero (000) and Emergency Contacts Smart Phone App that can be downloaded free by residents.
Emergency Call Australia can assist with getting help from police, ambulance, fire, SES and other agencies.
You can also add two of your own emergency contacts and call them directly from the App.
On the App the user can see a map of where they are, including their address and longitude / latitude.
This may assist with getting help more promptly which can prove particularly critical in rural areas.
The emergency app is available to download free of charge from
Tending to details before handover
Completion of the Inglewood Community Centre was expected earlier this month, however the result of a recent inspection by Council officers has identified a number of minor building defects or deficiencies which need to be rectified, before Council considers the building ready for occupation.
Conscious of the community’s desire to make use of this impressive facility, Council is working closely with the contractor to address the identified issues within the building as quickly as possible.
Completion of identified rectification works will ensure that the new facility meets community and user expectations. Council will keep residents updated on the progress over the coming weeks.
Spring Festival in full swing
On the back of a bumper Naturally Loddon Spring Festival Calendar launch event which drew at least 500 people to Piccoli’s Star Spanner Sculpture Gardens, residents and visitors have been treated to another fabulous weekend.
The Kamarooka Wetlands Restoration free bus trip and Friends of Kooyoora Wildflower Show were enthusiastically received and thanks must go to those who volunteered their time to make the events a success.
The highly successful Wedderburn Vintage Machinery Rally held on 10 and 11 October attracted many visitors over the two days.
A further highly anticipated Naturally Loddon Spring Festival Calendar drawcard is just around the corner, with final preparations underway for The Tarnagulla Strictly Vintage Fair.
While many flocking to Tarnagulla over the weekend may opt for a leisurely pace fossicking through vintage stores and market stalls, a host of activities are on offer to keep each member of the family happy.
On Saturday 1 October an all town garage sale and high tea in the Victoria Theatre is expected to prove popular.
The following day, Sunday 2 October, The Central Victorian Veteran’s Cycling Race, a cupcake competition, cemetery tour, swing band in Soldiers Memorial Park and Sandy Creek Clydesdales will add to the festive atmosphere.
On the same weekend, The Friends of Terrick Terrick National Park are offering time out closer to nature.
Activities centred around the Davies homestead site on the Mitiamo-Kow Swamp Road in Terrick Terrick, kick off at 3pm on Friday 30 September and run through to 1pm on Sunday 2 October.
Free overnight camping is available at the Davies homestead site, but those planning to make a night of it are required to bring their own camping and food supplies.
For further information visit or phone the Loddon Visitor Information Centre on 5494 3489.