NOTES FROM LODDON 17 October 2016
Published on 17 October 2016
Townscape mowing back on track
After weathering unavoidable delays, Council’s townscape mowing program should be back on target by the end of the week.
Council received a number of queries about the mowing of parks and gardens after outdoor crews were grounded by soft, boggy conditions following flooding.
As of last Monday the ground dried out to the point where outdoor staff could get back on the job without chopping up the surface.
Since then crews have been working overtime to get the townscape mowing program back on track.
Despite the challenging conditions, road maintenance crews focused on tasks such as guide post replacement and pot-hole, road signage and shoulder repairs pushed ahead, with 863 jobs completed between July and September.
The capital works program is also progressing well, having been ahead of schedule before flooding impacted towns and localities within the municipality.
Janiember Park redevelopment underway
Work has begun on the $1.2 million redevelopment of Janiember Park, with building contractors arriving at the Serpentine Recreation Reserve site yesterday.
The building works, expected to be completed by the end of April next year, include construction of female friendly change-rooms, a community gymnasium, playground and landscaping with a war memorial feature.
Once completed, Netball Victoria and AFL compliant male and female change-rooms designed to meet the needs of all people whether they enjoy team sport, umpiring or the gym, will help increase female and “all abilities” participation.
The project also includes plans to convert the old change-rooms into a new social area and some upgrade works to the Memorial Hall.
The State Government has committed $500,000, Inglewood and District Community Bank $100,000, with Loddon Shire Council and the User Groups of Janiember Park providing the balance of funds to complete this exciting community project.
Annual Report available for inspection
Council’s Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2016 is complete and available for public inspection.
While preparation of the Annual Report is required under the Local Government Act, it provides a written and pictorial summary of achievements which have benefited your community and is well worth a read.
By highlighting how the organisation is performing against the community’s expectations outlined in the four-year council plan, the Annual Report effectively serves as a report card.
View a copy of the Annual Report by visiting or dropping into Council’s Wedderburn or Serpentine office.
Help compile a lifesaving list
Council is supporting Ambulance Victoria in its bid to compile a list of automated external defibrillators (AED) located across Loddon Shire.
The list will be the first of its kind used in Loddon Shire to direct people towards the lifesaving equipment in a cardiac arrest emergency situation.
Triple 000 operators will refer to the list and direct the emergency caller towards the closest defibrillator to help them preserve life until further help arrives.
For every minute defibrillation is delayed, the chance of survival for a person in cardiac arrest decreases by nine percent.
If your club, workplace or residence is in possession of a defibrillator you can potentially save a life by ensuring it’s included on the Ambulance Victoria list.
To register a defibrillator on the Ambulance Victoria website visit click on the Community & Education tab and scroll down to Register my AED.
Council depot to be extended
New office facilities and parking spaces are key components of a project set to improve Council’s Wedderburn Operations Centre.
Council is calling for tenders for The Wedderburn Operations Centre Office Extension project which is scheduled to be completed by Easter 2017.
The extension will enable operations management staff to be housed at the one location.
Inglewood Community Centre update
Have you noticed extra activity around the newly constructed Inglewood Community Centre?
Solar panels have been installed on the two storey building over the last week or so.
Work has also been continuing on practical completion inspection which must be carried out to satisfaction before the building’s hand-over to ensure that the new facility meets community and user expectations.