Mayoral Column 17 July 2017

Published on 17 July 2017

South West Loddon Pipeline workshop

Agriculture Victoria and GWMWater will be holding a Farm Water Planning Workshop for the South West Loddon Pipeline Project this Thursday, 20 July.

Starting at 9.30am at the Wedderburn Golf Club, the free workshop will assist farmers in planning and designing their on farm water reticulation, and future water use plan when joining the South West Loddon Pipeline.

The workshop will provide the tools to help farmers complete a basic farm water reticulation design and information and support to complete a long-term farm water plan.

Attendees will also hear from a farmer with recent experience connecting to the Wimmera Pipeline and an irrigation specialist regarding equipment and design. Speakers from Agriculture Victoria will also talk about reticulation design and farm water planning, and climate forecast. 

Registrations close on Tuesday, 18 July. To register, contact Belinda Pritchard at Agriculture Victoria on 5461 0826 or Sarah Tottenham from GWMWater on 5381 9610.

Wedderburn streetscape works update

Photo caption: New footpaths in front of Randall’s FoodWorks Supermarket in High Street.

The Wedderburn streetscape is continuing to transform as improvement works move ahead.

New footpaths have been completed in front of Randall’s FoodWorks Supermarket in High Street, which are looking great. Once these footpaths have been sealed (to protect them against the elements) they will be available for use.

Council is also aiming to open the car parks in front of the supermarket and Kerr Street soon, with resealing of these car parks expected to occur in the next two weeks (depending on weather). Footpaths in front of the Wedderburn Goldseeker Motel, Coach House Gallery/Museum and General Store Museum are also being poured this week.

Drainage works in front of the Council offices have gotten underway, with access to Council available at all times. At this stage, it is expected that works for a new footpath (similar to the footpath in front of the supermarket) will take place after the drainage works, in around a month’s time.

I’d also like to remind our community that all businesses along High Street continue to remain open as usual and access to these businesses is available at all times while the streetscape improvement works are ongoing. I’m sure these businesses also appreciate the continued support from the community during this time.

Once again, it’s great to see the Wedderburn streetscape works moving ahead at a rapid pace. I’d like to thank our residents, businesses and visitors for their patience while these works continue. Please also be mindful when travelling through the works that traffic management remains in place, including reduced speed limits at all times.

Special storytime to celebrate 100 years of MCH

A special storytime has been added to Tuesday’s (18 July) afternoon tea celebrations for 100 years of Maternal and Child Health.

The special 30-minute storytime session for children and families, which will include stories, songs and rhymes, will follow the afternoon tea for past (and present) Loddon Shire Maternal and Child Health nurses and families.

Starting at 2pm, the afternoon tea is an opportunity for Maternal and Child Health nurses and families who have used the service to come along and share their memories of the service in the Shire. Speeches and a cake will be part of the celebrations, before the special storytime session gets underway.

The afternoon tea will be held at the Inglewood Children’s Centre (which is located in the same building as the Senior Citizens Centre). If you would like to know more about the Maternal and Child Health celebrations, call 5437 7999.

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