Mayoral Column 16 April 2018

Published on 16 April 2018

Draft Roadside Management Plan

Council’s draft Roadside Management Plan 2018 is now out for public comment.

The Roadside Management Plan is Council’s main guiding document which sets the direction for roadside management within the local rural road network in the Shire.

The draft plan has four roadside management goals: maintain a safe road network, access for all road users, protect biodiversity and heritage assets and increase awareness of roadside management and values.

To view a copy of the plan visit and go to “Documents for Public Comment” under the “Our Documents” section. A copy of the draft plan is also available to view at the Wedderburn and Serpentine council offices.

Submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Loddon Shire Council, PO Box 21, Wedderburn VIC 3518. If you would like to address Council regarding your submission, please make sure to request this in writing at the time of lodging your submission.

Submissions regarding the draft Roadside Management Plan 2018 will close at 5pm on Friday 11 May 2018.

Settlement Strategy community consultation

Remember that there are a number of drop-in sessions taking place in April to discuss your ideas and provide input to Council’s Settlement Strategy.

The first session is on today, Monday 16 April from 10am to 2.30pm at the Shire Offices in Wedderburn.

This will be followed by sessions on Wednesday 18 April from 9am to 11am at the Inglewood Town Hall Hub and 12pm to 2pm at Newbridge Public Hall.

Sessions will also take place on Monday 23 April from 9am to 11am at Pyramid Hill Neighbourhood House and 12pm to 2pm at Boort BRIC.

On Thursday 26 April, sessions will be held from 9am to 11am at the Serpentine Council Chambers and 12pm to 2pm at Bridgewater Public Hall.

Written submissions for the Settlement Strategy will be open until Monday 14 May 2018.

If you are unable to attend any of the sessions, but would still like to discuss your ideas (or want more information) please contact Carolyn Stephenson at Council via email or call 5494 1200.

Loddon Campaspe Regional Assembly coming up

On Thursday 3 May, the Loddon Campaspe Regional Partnership will be hosting its 2018 Regional Assembly in Kyneton.

The assembly will focus on addressing key priorities in health, youth, early years, tourism and the economy.

In addition to being a great opportunity to help shape the future of our region, the assembly will also provide an update about what the Partnership has been doing and has achieved. You will also be able to add your thoughts around the Partnership’s top priorities

If you’d like to attend the assembly (or find out more) you can register your interest by going to

There are limited spaces available, so please make sure you register by 10am on Monday 30 April.
If you can’t get along to the assembly on 3 May, you can still take part by sharing your thoughts through the Regional Partnership’s online conversation, by visiting the website above. 

Have you heard about Active April?

The Premier’s Active April is an annual campaign that encourages all Victorians to do 30 minutes of physical activity a day during April. It’s free, it’s fun and it’s part of the Victorian Government’s commitment to get more people active and healthy.

Anyone can participate in Active April – friends, students, families, workmates or individuals. All you have to do is register.

The 30 minutes of activity can be made up of any sort of physical activity, including incidental activity. You can accumulate your 30 minutes (or more) throughout the day by combining a few shorter sessions of activity of around 10 to 15 minutes each.

Participants can also create and join teams, compare the progress of team members and win prizes.

Although we are in the middle of April, it’s not too late to join. Registrations will be open until 30 April 2018.

For more information or to register visit

Community satisfaction survey underway

Just a quick reminder that Council’s community satisfaction survey is currently underway.

You may receive a survey in the mail (or have already received a survey) or be contacted asking you to rate Loddon Shire Council’s performance.

The survey is being undertaken on behalf of Council by Key Research Group and involves phone, online and mail surveys to randomly selected households in the Shire.

If your household is selected to take part in the Community Satisfaction Survey please take the time to complete the survey. It is a great opportunity to have your say on the Council services that matter most to you and provide feedback regarding Council and other issues.

The input you provide is also valuable in terms of helping Council improve future service provision.

If your household has received a survey and you would like more information, please call Thinkfield on 1800 671 887.  

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