Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 14 October 2019

Published on 14 October 2019

Loddon Valley Official Visitor Guide

Last week I was proud to launch the new Loddon Valley Official Visitor Guide at the Inglewood Town Hall. The guide is a great resource for potential visitors and features maps, accommodation and dining information as well as showcasing the unique natural beauty of the region.

The guide will promote the local businesses who advertise in the publication and is expected to increase overnight stays and visitors to the region.

At that event I also launched the Visit Loddon Facebook and Instagram platforms. These exciting initiatives are cementing the place of Loddon Shire in the digital world as Facebook and Instagram are two of the most efficient ways to share information about our region.

I encourage you to like and share the new page https://www.facebook.com/Visitloddonvalley/ and follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/visitloddonvalley/

Rural Aid

We know that rural Australia is doing it tough and we are not without challenges in Loddon. After a dry 2018, significant summer rains provided a good start to 2019, particularly for cropping. A dry finish to the season has seen a lot of crop cut for hay. Although Loddon is not in drought, the dry finish has put pressure on local primary producers and impacted on farm gross income.

Rural Aid is a charity founded in 2015 to provide support to rural Australia. From Buy a Bale to mental health counselling programs, the charity is dedicated to helping reduce stress, promote mental health and lend a hand where ever needed.

With rebuilding and repairing in mind, the Farm and Community Rescue Program aims to give farmers and their towns a boost during hard times. Projects range from fencing, pipe laying to fixing halls and establishing community gardens.

Nominations are now open for Farm and Community Rescues, and Rural Aid is looking for two projects to complete in Victoria next year. There are many ways that people can help including fundraising or signing up to volunteer.

If you know a farmer or community you think would be suitable for nomination, or you would like to lend a hand, visit the website www. ruralaid.org.au/

Wedderburn Community Splatter Run

There is still time to register for the Wedderburn Community Splatter Run which will be held on Sunday 27 October at 11am at Donaldson Park Wedderburn.

Now in its second year, the unique run is a partnership between Wedderburn College, Inglewood and Districts Health Services and the Loddon Shire. A run for all ages and abilities, the Splatter Run is a day of fun, exercise and lots of colour. There’s no time pressure so participants can run, skip, dance or smile to the finish line.

This will be a great family day with a DJ, activities for children and a barbeque lunch provided by the Parents Club. Visit our website http://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/Lists/Events/Wedderburn-Community-Splatter-Run for all information, including registration details.

Turning pink this October

You may have noticed that the Calder Highway is turning pink. The McGrath Foundation is hoping that everyone will see the world through rose-coloured glasses throughout October as Bridgewater, Inglewood and Wedderburn take part in ‘Pink Up Your Town’ in support of families affected by breast cancer.

The Pink Up Your Town initiative aims to not only raise vital funds to support specialist McGrath Breast Care nurses, but also to create a visual show of support for local families experiencing breast cancer.

Apart from turning the Calder Highway pink for the month of October, businesses in Bridgewater, Inglewood and Wedderburn are encouraged to ‘Pink Up’ by hosting an event or displaying a donation box.

Everyone is asked to wear pink on Friday 25 October and make a gold coin donation to the McGrath Foundation. For more information visit the website www.pinkupyourtown.com.au

Camp Quality visits Inglewood

In a coup for our region, Inglewood Car and Bike Club, along with the Inglewood Netball Club will host the Kids for Cancer Camp Quality fundraiser on Saturday 26 October. Around 175 participants in the Camp Quality esCarpade will stop at Inglewood for lunch before making their way to their final destination in Echuca.

The cars will arrive at the Inglewood Sports Centre at around 11am and be greeted by local school children. Money raised by providing the lunch will benefit our community and Camp Quality.

Did you know

Loddon Valley Official Visitor Guide highlights our untouched wilderness and significant parklands. Did you know that some of our black box trees are over 1000 years old? There are over 400 species of native flora and more than 100 bird species in the Kooyoora State Park, Leaghur State Park and Terrick Terrick National Park.

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