MAYORAL COLUMN 14 November 2016

Published on 14 November 2016

Our roads after the floods

The September and October flood events have caused significant damage to our local road network.

Some roads are so severely damaged that they have been temporarily or partially closed to avoid risk to road users.

Drivers are strongly advised to take care on flood affected roads, particularly uneven or damaged road surfaces, and adjust their speed or path of travel to suit the road conditions. 

Over the last four weeks Council has completed a comprehensive audit of its entire road network to identify flood damage which requires rectification.  At present, the estimated cost of this work is in the order of $10 million. 

State and federal governments have given a commitment to work with flood affected councils to ensure funding is provided to repair critical public infrastructure such as local roads and bridges. 

Permanent flood restoration works throughout our network is expected to commence following government endorsement of this program. In the meantime, we have been making temporary repairs to maintain, as far as possible, the availability of the road network and address immediate safety concerns. 

Given the scale and nature of the flood damage, completion of restoration works may take some time to complete. 

We appreciate your patience as we go about this significant task and will endeavour to return the road network to its pre-flood condition as soon as possible.

Swimming pools opening

Now that we are experiencing a few warmer days, Council is opening its five swimming pools for the summer months, starting from this Saturday, 19 November and running through to March next year.

If you are visiting the Inglewood pool this year, you will notice some changes. The new chair platform hoist at Inglewood pool will be operating, providing people of all abilities access into the pool. Other developments will be commencing in the next few weeks, and temporary arrangements for a kiosk will be in place while construction begins on a permanent replacement.

If you are keen to go for a dip, check the opening hours for the five pools on Council’s website at

Mitiamo pipeline consultation

About 50 landowners attended an open day about the feasibility of a Mitiamo district domestic and stock pipeline on Tuesday. Council’s agribusiness officer Darryn Hartnett and Cr Cheryl McKinnon represented Council on the day.

The open day gave landowners the opportunity to ask questions about the project, talk to customers on other pipelines and provide their advice and feedback.

Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW), the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), Coliban Water and the Loddon and Campaspe shires are developing a business case to investigate the feasibility of a new domestic and stock pipeline.

GMW is looking for members of the public to join a Project Reference Committee. These people will provide the voice of the community for the project, which will ensure the business case reflects the needs and requirements of all involved.

Council’s agribusiness officer Darryn Hartnett will participate in the reference committee on behalf of Council.

For more information about the project and how to nominate for the reference committee visit the GMW website at

Fire Danger Period yet to be announced

We are getting an increasing number of calls asking when fire restrictions will begin in Loddon Shire.

Council has not yet been notified of the fire danger period for this summer and will inform the community as soon as it receives the dates.

In the meantime, if you are planning to do some burning, please ring Council’s Local Laws staff on 5494 1200 to check for any requirements and avoid accidental fire calls.

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