Mayoral Column 14 December 2015

Published on 14 December 2015

Planning scheme amendment progress

Throughout the year Councillors have received a number of queries as to when Amendment C36, which is designed to protect quality agricultural land for farming use, will be implemented into the planning scheme.

While I can assure you Loddon Shire Council has completed all the local government processes required for this amendment to be passed, unfortunately I’m unable to provide a definitive answer.

Council appreciates how important Amendment C36 is to those living and working within our Shire, as it clearly encourages rural living in appropriate locations and preserves high quality farming land for agricultural use.

I can assure you that Council is eager to see the matter finalised.

When passed, amendment C36 will implement the recommendation of the Loddon Shire Rural Zones Review 2012.

The amendment impacts land in Wedderburn, Mount Korong, Boort, Pyramid Hill, Yarrayne, Inglewood, Llanelly, Tarnagulla, Laanecoorie, Moliagul, McIntyre, Rheola, Wehla, Kingower,
Brenanah, Skinners, Flat, Nine Mile South, Eddington, Bridgwater, Newbridge and parts of the Loddon River corridor.

Council will continue to work with our state politicians to get a positive outcome for the people of Loddon.

Creative Christmas tree initiative

Keep your eye out for a bit of festive fun in the coming weeks.

Our tourism and recreation officers have joined forces with schools throughout the Shire to spread some Christmas cheer.

As part of a new Council initiative, materials and paints were delivered to schools within the municipality for students to transform wooden blank canvases into brightly coloured Christmas trees.

I’m looking forward to seeing student sculptures displayed at the major entrances to towns throughout our Shire.

The project has a real community spirit, harnessing the creativity of our young people for the enjoyment of residents and visitors of all ages.

Christmas is a special time of the year and it’s the perfect opportunity to let the creativity within our youth shine.

I encourage families, friends and neighbours of our budding young artists to take the time to admire the sculptures as they pop up throughout the Shire.

If the festive project is warmly received, Council expects it to become an annual tradition within Loddon Shire.

Volunteers play vital role in peak tourism period

The summer school holiday period is one of our busiest times of year for hosting tourists.

However, as we welcome visitors into the Shire, many head away for their annual summer break.

The Loddon Visitor Information Centre welcomes new volunteers at any time of year, but is particularly appreciative of the extra help during peak holiday periods including Sundays and public holidays.

Volunteering is a two way street, as by giving a few hours assistance to a worthwhile community cause, you join an enthusiastic team where you will build friendships and add to your skill set.

The Loddon Visitor Information Centre is coordinated by the Loddon Shire Council.

To obtain an information pack phone 5494 1257.

Dive into the day at Wedderburn Swimming Pool

If you like to get the day off to an active start, why not make a habit of having a regular morning swim?

Our Council pools and their shady, green grounds are in tip top shape, and at Wedderburn early morning swimming sessions are run three days a week throughout the summer season.

Weather permitting, you can join in the fun, and make a healthy start to the day, between 6.30 am and 8.30 am on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

We receive a great deal of positive feedback about the condition of each of our pools throughout the Shire, and would like to see as many people as possible making regular use of these fantastic summer recreational facilities.

Early morning swim sessions are designed to ensure residents of all ages and life stages have the opportunity to access a pool within their daily schedule.

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