Mayoral Column 14 August 2017
Published on 14 August 2017
Remembering Trev Moresi
I’d like to start this week’s column by paying tribute to Trev Moresi, one of our great leaders in the Boort community and who we lost recently after a long battle with illness. I’d also like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt condolences to Trev’s family on their loss.
Before we became Loddon Shire Council, Trev was the former Mayor of the Shire of Gordon and has always been a stalwart within his community and Loddon Shire overall.
In recognition of Trev and in honour of his legacy, Council is currently in discussions with the community and BRIC (Boort Resource and Information Centre) regarding a permanent tribute to Trev.
I believe that this will lead to a fitting mark of respect for a great man.
Pipeline farm planning information sessions
GWMWater is inviting landholders who have lodged an expression of interest or are thinking about expressing an interest to connect to the South West Loddon Pipeline Project, to come along to a farm planning presentation.
The presentations will be held at the Wedderburn Town Hall on Monday, 21 August from 1pm to 3pm and the Inglewood Town Hall Hub on Tuesday, 22 August from 9.30am to 11.30am.
Agriculture Victoria will give a farm planning presentation while GWMWater will provide a project update and discuss the benefits of a secure piped rural water supply.
Both information sessions will also discuss the pipeline network supply and design requirements for landholders and native vegetation and cultural heritage. Agriculture Victoria will talk about farm water reticulation and productivity and how to complete a farm water audit, learning from landholders on the Wimmera Mallee pipeline.
Farm water planning workshops will also be held to help farmers in planning and designing their on farm water reticulation and future water use plan when joining the pipeline. Workshops will be held over the coming weeks, with dates and locations to be confirmed at the information sessions.
For more information, contact Sarah Tottenham at GWMWater on 1300 659 961 or email
Australia Day Awards – nominate now!
Even though Australia Day seems quite a while away, now is the time to start considering honouring those in our community who have given so much to our Shire with an Australia Day award nomination.
Council is now receiving nominations for the Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year and Community Group/Event of the Year awards.
I urge you to have a think about people and groups in our community who have made an outstanding achievement or contributed towards values such as a fair go, community values, sport, cultural diversity and support.
Nominations are also open for the 2018 Community Service Awards. These awards recognise the outstanding contribution to the local community during 2017 or noteworthy service to the community over a number of years. An award is given for each ward (Boort, Inglewood, Tarnagulla, Terrick and Wedderburn).
Nominations for the awards close on Friday, 6 October.
Nomination forms and more information is available from, calling the Wedderburn Council Office on 5494 1200 or by contacting Shannon Brown on 0429 380 465 or emailing
Discover Loddon this spring
There will certainly be plenty happening around the region this spring when the Naturally Loddon 2017 Spring Festival kicks off on Father’s Day (3 September) at Piccoli’s Star Spanner Sculpture Gardens.
Running until the 28 October, the festival features 15 events across our Shire, all of which showcase our region, its communities and natural wonders.
With a number of popular events returning as well as new events added to this year’s calendar, the Naturally Loddon Spring Festival certainly includes something for everyone.
For more information about the festival, or for a copy of the brochure, phone the Loddon Visitor Information Centre on 5494 3489, email or visit