Loddon Shire Mayoral Column

Published on 13 May 2019

Friends of Kooyoora Reconciliation Event

On Sunday 19 May from 11am to 4pm, the Friends of Kooyoora will be holding a Reconciliation event at the Melville Caves picnic ground in the Kooyoora State Park.

Beginning with a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony, the event will include several guest speakers and presenters who will share their Reconciliation journey, as well as significant cultural heritage and archaeological aspects of the Kooyoora State Park. The day will also include cultural art activities, a free Indigenous-inspired lunch and conclude with an Indigenous cultural walk with Dja Dja Wurrung Indigenous Parks Rangers to sites of Aboriginal significance.

The event is being held by the Friends of Kooyoora, in partnership with the Bendigo and District Local Aboriginal Network, North Central Catchment Management Authority (CMA) and Council.

To find out more or to RSVP please contact North Central CMA on 5448 7124 or email info@nccma.vic.gov.au

Dry seasons farm business workshop coming to Boort

A free two-day workshop (held over two weeks) to develop strategies for managing your farm through difficult conditions is coming to Boort.

The workshop aims to provide participants with the confidence to make informed decisions based on their financial performance and associated risks. It will explore the basic fundamentals of farm business management – identifying, planning for and managing risk to get a better understanding of your current financial situation.

Participants will also have access to two hours of mentoring with facilitator Tony Hudson, who has more than 20 years’ experience in the agribusiness sector.

The workshop will be held on Tuesday 11 June and Tuesday 18 June from 9am to 5pm at the Boort Business and Resource and Information Centre (BRIC).

To find out more or to register, visit https://partnersinag.org.au/upcoming-events/ or email admin@partnersinag.org.au. You can also contact Nickie on 0428 622 655.

Loddon Healthy Minds Network art competition

The Loddon Healthy Minds Network art competition is back in 2019. This year there are two themes to choose from: “Mental health matters to us all” or “Mental health begins with me”.

The art competition aims to continue to raise awareness of mental health within the Loddon community.

There are two sections for the competition – an open section for those Loddon Shire residents over 18 years and a junior section for residents aged between 14 to 18 years.

The competition also includes literary entries. These entries are to be between 500 to 1000 words related to the theme.

To find out more about the competition (and to download an entry form), visit the Loddon Healthy Minds Network website: https://www.loddonhealthyminds.com.au/item/83

Entry forms are also available from Council’s Wedderburn and Serpentine offices or by contacting Community Wellbeing on (03) 5494 1230.

Applications must be submitted by close of business on Monday 5 August 2019.

Victorian concessions guide

If you’re a concession card holder but are not sure of what concessions are available to you, make sure you visit Council’s Wedderburn or Serpentine offices to get your copy of Victorian concessions: A guide to discounts and services for eligible households in Victoria.

Published by the Victorian Government, the guide outlines concessions that can help you pay your bills, who is eligible for concessions, how to apply for them and who to contact for more information.

The Victorian Government offers concessions for essential services (rates, water, electricity and gas). There are also other concessions available for health, education, transport and other services for eligible concession card holders.

If you are unable to get to a Council office, you can view information regarding concessions (and download a copy of the guide) at https://services.dhhs.vic.gov.au/concessions-and-benefits

Recycling – what about oil?

In our final item about recycling of specific products, this week our focus turns to oil. During this financial year 1,108 litres of oil has been collected in Loddon Shire. This oil is then taken to Bendigo for reprocessing.

Recycled used oil has many uses including as industrial burner oil (used oil is dewatered, filtered and demineralised for use in industrial burners) and as oil to help release products from their moulds (such as pressed metal products and concrete).

Recycled used oil can also be utlised for hydraulic oil, bitumen based products, an additive in manufactured products or as a re-refined base oil for use as a lubricant, hydraulic or transformer oil.

Did you know?

Loddon Shire Council has joined a multi-council tender process for the contracting of kerbside waste, comingled recyclables, e-waste and hook lift transportable skip bins, and will test the market for food and organic recycling services. Facilitated by the Loddon Mallee Waste and Resource Recovery Group, the tender process includes Gannawarra, Buloke, Loddon, Swan Hill and Mildura councils under the leadership of the City of Greater Bendigo.

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