Mayoral Column 13 June 2016

Published on 13 June 2016

Celebrating a $20 million water security windfall

Loddon had much to celebrate on Wednesday as farmers, politicians and media converged at our Wedderburn Council office for a $20 million announcement giving the green light for construction of the South West Loddon Pipeline.

Rain clouds hovering overhead only added to the sense of optimism farmers and councillors felt as they rejoiced in news that water security was on the way.

While inclement weather prevented Water Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce from flying in to make the announcement in person, spirits couldn’t be dampened.

Instead Member for Northern Victoria Damian Drum and Nationals Senator Bridget McKenzie spoke on his behalf about the wealth of opportunities a secure water supply presented.

It was an honour to be Mayor of Loddon Shire on such a day, and on behalf of Council I would like to express my gratitude to all who have worked so passionately on this project to date.

Undoubtedly our Council delegation to Canberra earlier this year resulted in encouraging discussions, however countless groups and individuals have proven to be tireless advocates for our farming community, with members of our consultative committee proving no exception.

Having this project become a reality shows what can be done when we work together and I congratulate all who advocated for water security whether their part be large or small.

Now Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water can simply get on with the business of planning the construction of the pipeline.

We will be writing to all landowners in the pipeline area within the next month about the project progress.

Winter water and nutrition workshop

The assurance of a secure water supply means farmers are well positioned to move forward with their business plans.

Take the opportunity to make a start on Tuesday 21 June by attending a free workshop to be held at the Wedderburn Golf Club.

Topics to be covered range from managing winter feeding requirements and monitoring and managing on-farm water requirements, to providing the latest news on the pipeline and farm risk management grants.

A rural financial counsellor will be in attendance and a free lunch is provided.

To register your interest phone Belinda Pritchard on 5461 0826 or email

What shape will Victoria take in 30 years?

Residents living in rural areas such as Loddon Shire face specific challenges related to population growth, water security, an ageing population, transport and access to quality health and education services.

With the first ever 30-year infrastructure strategy for Victoria currently being developed, you are invited to consider key issues expected to impact on our community over the next generation.

If you would like to read the options paper, share a thought, complete a survey or make a formal submission about future infrastructure needs for Victoria, visit

Alternatively you can join an online regional and rural infrastructure discussion about the draft submission from 8pm to 9pm tomorrow (Wednesday 15 June).

Register for the discussion at by going to htt://

Council candidates and polling officials wanted!

Residents interested in influencing the future direction of Loddon Shire Council are reminded to attend the community and candidate information session scheduled to take place at 6pm at the Serpentine Council Chambers on Wednesday 13 July.

With local and federal government elections drawing ever nearer Loddon Shire is encouraging polling officials to register their interest.

Temporary federal election day work is available in the Inglewood, Wedderburn, Pyramid Hill, Calivil and Mitiamo areas.

As full training is provided, there is no need to have previously worked on an election.

For further information visit, or phone 13 23 26.

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