Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 12 August 2019

Published on 12 August 2019

Detox Your Home

Loddon Shire residents who wish to dispose of unwanted household chemicals are encouraged to take advantage of the Detox Your Home chemical drop off program, which is coming to Bendigo this month.

If you have any unwanted or out-of-date household chemicals around your house, shed or garage, this safe, free and easy-to-use service allows you to dispose of common household chemicals.

Household chemicals can be dangerous. It is not safe to throw chemical products out with your regular rubbish collection. If disposed of incorrectly they can harm your family and your pets, add extra fuel to a house fire, release toxic fumes and pollute the environment for future generations.

Bendigo’s Detox your Home event will be held on Saturday 24 August from 9am to 3pm at the Eaglehawk Eco Centre, 189 Upper California Gully Road.

More information on this free program is at www.sustainability.vic.gov.au/detoxyourhome

Conversation Caravan continues its tour

The Conversation Caravan is continuing its tour around our Shire to hear the views and thoughts of young people. The Conversation Caravan is part of consultation with young people around the development of the Loddon Shire Youth Strategy.

So far the caravan has made stops at East Loddon P-12 College, Pyramid Hill College and the Bridgewater Oval (for the Bridgewater versus Newbridge game).

I had the privilege of attending the Conversation Caravan session at Pyramid Hill College on 26 July. It was fantastic to see our young people providing their thoughts about what they would like to see in our Shire.

The next stop for the Conversation Caravan will be the Wedderburn versus Boort game at Wedderburn’s Donaldson Park on 17 August. The visit will include discussing and reviewing the Conversation Caravan’s findings so far from its consultation with young people.

Loddon Visitor Information Centre seeking volunteers

The Loddon Visitor Information Centre is keen to hear from volunteers who would like to become part of an enthusiastic team that enjoys helping visitors and sharing knowledge about our region.

Volunteers are needed on Sundays or public holidays and can be limited to three hours per year. Shifts are from 10am to 1pm and 1pm to 4pm. Volunteers can nominate their preferred month and shift.

As well as the opportunity to share the hidden gems of our Shire, volunteering at the centre provides the chance to connect with other volunteers, meet new residents and visitors to our region from around Australia and overseas.

If you are new to the Shire volunteering at the centre is a great way to meet people. For students who have just finished school, volunteering can help you gain some valuable work experience.

To find out more about volunteering at the Loddon Visitor Information Centre and get an information pack, contact the centre on 5494 1257.

I’d also like to take this opportunity to welcome back Council’s Tourism and Marketing Officer Robyn Vella. Robyn works very closely with our business and tourism outlets and is a great champion for our Shire.

Infrastructure program adopted

At its July meeting, Council resolved to adopt the Annual Infrastructure program for 2019/20, which sets out the priority projects for Council over the coming financial year. 

The 2019/20 annual infrastructure program includes around $385,000 for local road gravel resheets and $329,282 for local road shoulder resheets. There is over $1.25 million for sealed local road reconstruction, including the widening and rehabilitation of Echuca Serpentine Road and Bridgewater Raywood Road. The Fixing Country Roads program has also provided grants towards these two projects.

There is safety improvement funding of $701,000 for the intersection of Echuca Serpentine Road and $110,000 to replace barrier railing on a bridge on Laanecoorie Newbridge Road.

Significant funding of $754,678 has been allocated for the replacement and installation of new footpaths in Inglewood, Bridgewater, Wedderburn and Boort (totalling 3,200 square metres) and to improve drainage in Kiniry Street in Boort.

There is funding of just over $1 million for two dam safety upgrades. This includes $855,000 for the Old Inglewood Reservoir ($455,000 in funding has been provided through the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning) and repairs to Old Lead Dam ($150,000), north of Dunolly.

Additionally, there is $1.33 million for three local bridges and culverts. This includes $891,000 for Sloan’s Road bridge replacement (half of which is funded through a Bridges Renewal Grant) and $300,000 for the upgrade of two culverts in Pyramid Hill on the Seven Months Creek (including $150,000 in funding from the North Central Catchment Management Authority). The third project will be the installation of infrastructure for erosion control on Wedderburn Brenanah Road at $140,000.

There is also $566,785 for reseals and final seals on the sealed road network and $100,000 towards projects in parks and gardens as well as $500,000 for building projects.

Did you know?

At the end of the 2018/19 financial year Loddon Shire staff and volunteers assisted 4796 visitors who walked into the Loddon Visitor Information Centre.

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