Mayoral Column 10 September 2018

Published on 10 September 2018

Report illegal rubbish dumping

In a previous column I mentioned the conclusion of Council’s “fee” free waste trial. A report regarding the trial will now be prepared for Council’s consideration.

As also mentioned, residents are still able to dispose of up to four cubic metres of metals and up to one cubic metre of recyclables (glass, cardboard, plastics) for free at Council’s waste facilities year-round. Additionally, Council holds hard rubbish days once a year in townships across the Shire around the week after Clean Up Australia Day.

Therefore, it is a shame to hear of the occurrence of illegal rubbish dumping in our Shire, including on roadsides and in our beautiful natural bushland.

According to the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Victoria, illegal dumping can range from a single bag of household rubbish to large items such as TVs, appliances and electronic waste, furniture, mattresses, industrial wastes, construction and demolition materials, garden waste, packaging, tyres, old cars and soil.

Illegal rubbish dumping not only spoils the natural amenity of our environment, but also carries with it consequences for those caught.

The EPA states that illegal dumping of contaminated fill material, tyres, manufacturing, construction and demolition waste is an indictable offence. This can attract a maximum court penalty of $610,700 or seven years imprisonment for an individual, and more than $1.2 million for a corporation.

If you come across rubbish that has been dumped in bushland, please call Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) on 131 186.

For rubbish dumped on Council roadsides and reserves, contact our Local Laws Officers on 5494 1200. Please provide as many details as possible to help staff investigate the incident.

When will my bin be collected?

To help ensure your bin is being collected, Council would like to remind residents to place bins out the night before your collection day. Your waste bin will be collected weekly, and your recycling bin will be collected fortnightly. Hours for collection service are between 6am and 5 pm on your nominated day for collection.

Any material left beside your bin in plastic bags (or other containers) will not be collected, and please make sure you do not contaminate bins with the wrong waste materials – such as nappies in the recycling bin. Your bin should also be placed facing the road (with wheels and handles away from the road).

If your bin has not been emptied on its scheduled day, please contact Council’s customer service team on 5494 1200 and they will contact the Council’s waste contractor.

To find out more, including the bin collection timetable go to .

I also encourage you to download the free Loddon Mallee Waste and Resource Recovery Group waste information App.

The App provides you with a personalised bin collection calendar (with optional reminders), information on materials and their correct bin, and hints and tips. It will also provide waste and recycling services and facilities information (including contact details, opening times and maps), and lets you report a problem directly to Council.

The App is available through the App Store or Google Play. Just search for “Loddon Mallee Waste” and download on your device.

Bins are the property of Loddon Shire Council and must remain at the property if you leave or sell your property.

Australian Government volunteer grants

Applications are now open for the 2018 Australian Government Volunteers Grant. The Volunteers Grants program provides funding to community organisations to help them support the efforts of their volunteers.

Organisations can apply for grants of between $1,000 and $5,000 to purchase much-needed equipment that supports volunteer’s work, improves fundraising efforts or helps train volunteers.

The grants form part of the Government’s work to support the volunteers who help disadvantaged Australian communities and encourage inclusion of vulnerable people in community life.

For more information, including grant guidelines, visit

Applications close 18 September 2018 at 2pm.

Voting for Pick My Project closes soon

A reminder that voting for projects submitted for the Pick My Project initiative closes on Monday 17 September at 5pm.

You can help make your favourite project ideas a reality by voting for the top three eligible projects in your local community.

To vote, visit and register for a Pick My Project account (or log in if you already have an account). Select your local community be entering your suburb or address and then browse the projects in your area. Pick your three favourite project ideas from your shortlist, verify your mobile number, after which you’ll be able to submit your votes.

Project ideas with the most votes will share in the $30 million funding, with between $20,000 and $200,000 available for each project idea.

The $30 million in funding has been divided between six metropolitan and nine regional partnership areas, with each to receive at least $1 million for project ideas in their area.

To vote for your project:
1. Select your local community by entering your suburb or address. You can then browse the project ideas in your local community and create a shortlist of your favourites.
2. Pick your three favourite project ideas from your shortlist and verify your mobile number. You’ll then be able to submit your votes.

Make sure you share who you’ve voted for with your family and friends.

Need help with voting? Contact us or drop into your local library or Neighbourhood House for assistance.

For more information visit, or call 1800 797 818.

Did you know?

While the impact of rates on a council’s income is often in the spotlight, some people may not be aware that in the case of Loddon Shire (and some other rural and regional councils), almost two thirds of Council’s income is actually from grants.

Part of this is from Federal Financial Assistance Grants, which account for almost one quarter of Council’s recurrent revenue (24.3 per cent), while other grants provide almost 34 per cent of additional revenue.

The yearly Financial Assistance Grants include a Local Roads Grant, which is vital in helping Council maintain its 4,719 kilometres of local roads.

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