NOTES FROM LODDON 10 October 2016
Published on 10 October 2016
Communication key as pipeline progresses
Cooperation and communication were pivotal to getting the $80.6 million South West Loddon Water Supply Project off the ground and was further fostered at Korong Vale on Thursday.
The Minister for Water Lisa Neville and invited guests were treated to a traditional smoking ceremony before the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Dja Dja Wurrung Clans Aboriginal Corporation and Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water.
The formality signified a real commitment to understanding and respecting Aboriginal cultural, spiritual and heritage issues and continued open communication and cooperation throughout the project’s delivery.
Korong Vale Reservoir was chosen for the event because it is a significant project site which will include a pump station and storage tank.
As the project progresses, ongoing communication is also critical to connecting landholders to the secure water source.
With this in mind, Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water have organised a number of drop in information sessions (no appointment necessary) across the municipality from Wednesday 19 October to Friday 21 October.
Further information, including an expression of interest form for landholders wishing to receive a secure piped water supply, are available at
Construction and commissioning of the pipeline is expected to be completed mid to late 2018.
Positioning Loddon’s priorities
An opportunity for Loddon Shire residents to have their collective voice heard and understood by key decision makers has been established.
The Loddon Campaspe Regional Partnership is one of the Victorian Government’s nine new Partnerships designed to voice the priorities of regional people direct to the heart of government.
Loddon Shire Council Chief Executive Officer Phil Pinyon has been appointed as a member of the Regional Partnership and is preparing to attend the Regional Assembly to be held in Bendigo on Wednesday 19 October.
The Regional Assembly will bring together people representing a range of community and business perspectives, along with representatives from each tier of government.
Together they will begin to identify and prioritise Loddon Campaspe’s most pressing issues which will be funnelled direct to the decision makers.
Residents also have the chance to have their voices reach and influence decision makers about opportunities and ideas to make Loddon Shire an even better place to live, work and visit.
You can share your thoughts about opportunities and issues affecting Loddon Campaspe ahead of the Regional Assembly by joining the online conversations at
The Loddon Campaspe Regional Partnership, its objectives and achievements, is something you can expect to hear more about in the coming weeks and months.
Make sure your vote counts
Ballot packs for the Loddon Shire Council elections are in the mail and it’s time to cast your vote.
At the close of nominations, Boort, Inglewood and Terrick Wards were uncontested. Elections are being held in Wedderburn and Tarnagulla Wards.
Voting is compulsory and returning your election material as soon as possible will ensure your vote counts.
Ballot papers must be posted or hand-delivered to the election office by 6 pm Friday 21 October or they cannot be counted.
Voters who haven’t received their ballot pack by Wednesday 12 October should call 1300 583 870 during business hours to arrange a replacement.
Candidates who have nominated to stand for election are listed in the ballot packs and at
There will be no voting in these wards and in this instance an uncontested election leaflet will be mailed to affected voters instead of a ballot pack.
Stepping towards flood recovery
Council is asking residents to exercise patience as it carries out an assessment of the Shire’s road network in the wake of a second wave of flooding.
Significant restoration works will be required after the municipality was subjected to two flooding events within the space of a month.
Once Council’s technical services assessment is complete, a recovery program will be devised in conjunction with state and federal governments.
In the meantime Council would like to hear from residents confronted with any issues presenting immediate risk or safety concerns to road users.
Drivers are also reminded to adhere to road signage, be mindful of hazards and to adjust their driving to road and weather conditions.
The full impact of the flooding won’t be known for some time and Council is committed to identifying support on an individual needs basis. We’ll keep you informed of available assistance as it comes to light.