Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 8 August 2024
Published on 08 August 2024
Proposed amendment to Governance Rules – Addressing the meeting
At its July Council meeting, Council resolved to receive a report to the August Council meeting to consider amending the Governance Rules, following a period of community engagement.
The proposed amendment to the Governance Rules is inclusion of the following to Division 2 – Standards of conduct, item 30 – Addressing the meeting:
‘The use of Mr or Mrs or Miss or Madam is permitted in addressing persons, with established prior consent. Eg: Mr Mayor, Madam Mayor, Mr, Mrs, Miss… [surname].’
Members of the community are invited to consider and provide feedback on the proposed amendment.
Feedback must be received by 9am on Tuesday 13 August 2024 and can be submitted by email to loddon@loddon.vic.gov.au, by post to PO Box 21 Wedderburn 3518, or delivered in person to Council’s Wedderburn office, 41 High Street.
Council’s Governance Rules are available on our website, https://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/Our-Council/Plans-strategies-and-policies/Plans-and-strategies
Council will review feedback at its August Forum before further considering the amendment at its August Council meeting.
Payment of rates
Council will be sending out rate notices for the new rating year 2024/25 from mid-August onwards.
As a result of system upgrades, Council has updated reference numbers for all ratepayers. Please check your reference number on the bottom of the notice prior to making any payment.
If you elect to pay by installments, the first one is due on the 30 September 2024. Reminder notices will be sent for the following three instalments.
If you wish to elect for the full payment option, this is due on the 15 February 2025.
If you think you may not be able to pay by the due date and you believe you will have difficulties paying either the first instalment or in full, please contact Council's rates office on (03) 5494 1200 as soon as possible.
Council has a number of options available to assist those facing genuine financial hardship and would be happy to discuss these with you in a confidential manner.
For more information, visit https://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/For-residents/Your-home/Your-property-valuation-and-rates/Payment-of-rates
Street furniture permits – applications now open
Applications for a permit to place items on the footpath or nature strip in front of business premises for the 2024/25 financial year are now open.
This includes advertising signs, flags, goods on display for sale and street furniture such as tables and chairs.
Application forms are being sent out to businesses soon and permits will be issued for the period ending 31 August 2025.
Council has listened to feedback from businesses and has made some changes to the permit fees and charges.
This includes simplifying the fee for tables and chairs, with a single fee for each setting placed on the footpath and providing businesses with the ability to display up to two tear-drop type flags at no cost.
Council recognises that having a visible presence to passing traffic is important for the viability of our small businesses. We also need to make sure an accessible area is available for all of the competing uses that footpaths and public spaces receive.
We want to support a vibrant streetscape in our townships and believe the changes that have been made strike a good balance.
Further information including an online fillable application form is available from Council’s website https://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/Our-Council/Forms-and-permit-applications/Application-for-a-Local-Law-permit