Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 5 December 2023
Published on 05 December 2023
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank my fellow Councillors for electing me Mayor for the 2023/24 term.
It is a great honour to once again be elected Mayor, a role I have been fortunate to hold previously during my time as a Loddon Shire Councillor. I thank my fellow Councillors for their support in electing me to the role and I look forward to working with Councillors, staff and the community during the coming year.
Additionally, I’d like to acknowledge and thank former Mayor, Councillor Dan Straub. Councillor Straub, who declined the nomination of Mayor at the recent Council elections, served as Mayor for the past two years.
Together with Council, I look forward to the continuation of current projects, new projects and the community around flood recovery efforts.
Martha Haylett MP announces childcare facility.
Council welcomes the announcement today (5 December) by Member for Ripon Martha Haylett MP around the establishment of a childcare facility in Wedderburn.
I was pleased to be able to be in attendance at the event today, and I would like to thank Martha Haylett for her announcement. It is great to see this step towards the start of the growth of childcare in our municipality.
I would also like to acknowledge the hard work and efforts of the local community, particularly the local parents’ group, in advocating for childcare in our Shire.
Council, together with our community and local organisations, will continue to work and promote the need for childcare facilities in other towns around our Shire.
Upcoming Council Meeting
Council’s December meeting will be held Tuesday, 12 December at 3pm in the Loddon Shire Council Chambers, located behind the Wedderburn Council Office, off Peters Street.
You can also watch the Council meeting live via Council’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/LoddonShire
Some of the items on the agenda include Annual Infrastructure program project allocations, 2023 Local Sports Infrastructure Fund Application – Boort Lawn Tennis Club and Review of the Financial Reserves Policy.
To view the December Council Meeting agenda visit https://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/Our-Council/Agendas-and-minutes/Agendas-and-minutes-2023
Pools season is open
We are pleased to advise that all Council swimming pools are open for the 2023/24 season.
Loddon Shire has five swimming pools within the municipality, located at Boort, Inglewood, Mitiamo, Pyramid Hill and Wedderburn.
For information on operating hours, entrance fees, contact details and to keep up to date with everything happening at your local Loddon Shire Council pool, please visit https://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/Our-Services/Community-facilities/Swimming-within-Loddon
Community Recovery Grants recipients announced
Loddon Shire Council is pleased to announce the successful allocation of Community Recovery Grants, marking a year of progress since the devastating flood.
Supported by both State and Federal funding, these grants allow the Loddon communities to maintain strong relationships and support a more resilient future across our Shire.
With a total funding of $66,086, the Community Recovery Grants have enabled a diverse range of events and activities. Grants ranged from $500 to $5,000 depending on the activity or event.
Congratulations to the following groups, whose events are set to contribute to the continued recovery of the community:
- Boort District School Parent's Club Fete, Boort P-12 School Parent's Club
- Boort Preschool Building 60 Year Anniversary, Boort Preschool
- Bridgewater Community Christmas, Bridgewater on Loddon Development
- Calling the Autumn Break - A Dinner for Community, Boort Lawn Tennis Club
- Celebrating Calivil Community, Calivil Recreation Reserve
- Christmas at the Vale, Korong Vale Food Share
- Community Christmas Get Together, Bridgewater Cricket Club
- Community Recovery Youth Event, Inglewood Community Neighbourhood House
- Dingee Christmas Tree, Dingee and District Lawn Tennis Association
- Durham Ox Community Christmas Tree, Durham Ox Memorial Hall Committee
- Flood Recovery Through Art, Lions Club of East Loddon
- ‘Game Plan F!’, Boort Netball Club Inc.
- Kingower Community Christmas Event, Kingower Development and Tourism Inc
- Mysia Community Christmas Tree, Mysia Recreation Reserve
- 2024 Pre-Season Launch Event, Pyramid Hill Football Netball Club
- Serpentine Community Christmas Tree, Serpentine Tennis Club and Serpentine Playgroup
- Spring into 2024, Active Farmers Bridgewater
- The Travellers Table - comedic play, Boort, Buckrabanyule and Community Productions
- Women of Wedderburn, Inglewood and Districts Health Service
- Xmas On High, Wedderburn Community House Inc.
- Yando/Appin/Canary Island Community Christmas Get Together, Yando Public Hall Inc.
- Youth activities at Boort Street Christmas Party, Boort Resource and Information Centre
- Youth activities at Inglewood Alive, Inglewood Development & Tourism Committee Inc.
Master plan for Inglewood Sports Centre
Council is currently developing a Master Plan for Inglewood Sports Centre. The Plan will identify and clarify the opportunities, challenges and limitations at the Centre, as well as provide direction to Council and user groups for its future development for the next 10 years.
The Master Plan will focus on the sport and recreation reserve, including the main complex, oval, lawn and hard courts, cricket nets and the adjacent Riding, Car and Bike Club.
The Master Plan will be responsive to community expectations, as well as being achievable, realistic and attainable within the Council's budgetary framework.
We are seeking community input into the strategy and invite you to participate in the survey which will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. We ask that you please submit your response by Monday, 18 December 2023.
Please note that all your responses are confidential and that at no stage will your personal details or individual comments be used for any purpose other than reporting on this research.
Thank you in advance for your contribution to the study, and if you have any issues with the survey, or questions about the project, please contact Claire Harrison via email charrison@loddon.vic.gov.au.
December Loddon Bulletin
The latest edition of Council’s quarterly Loddon Bulletin will be delivered to households starting next Monday, 11 December 2023.
In this December edition, there will be updates on the Donaldson Park Community Hub, Pyramid Hill Streetscape Revitalisation Project, Works update and
To read digital versions of the Bulletin, visit https://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/News-and-public-notices/Loddon-Bulletins