Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 4 April 2023

Published on 04 April 2023

Mayor-Dan Straub

March Council Meeting - VNI West outcome

VNI West is considered essential for the Australian economy to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. The forecast closure of ageing coal-fired generators in Victoria and New South Wales over the coming decades presents a significant challenge to supply reliability.

While Council is not a decision maker for the project, it has the opportunity to provide a submission in response to the report to Australian Energy Market Operator Victorian Planning (AVP) before the closing date.

The response to the VNI West Consultation Report on behalf of Loddon Shire Council will include, but not be limited to the following items:

  • Council understands the importance of a reliable energy network to the Victorian and Australian community.
  • Consultation has not met the expectations of our community. We expect people to be meaningfully engaged and informed of issues which may impact upon them.
  • Loddon Shire is within the Murray Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) and seeks the highest capacity transmission to enable additional power generation and therefore value sharing to our community.
  • Loddon Shire Council is opposed to transmission lines crossing multiple areas of our municipality with a preference for consolidation on a single alignment with minimal impact.
  • Council requests AVP provide clear information to land owners about the impact transmission lines will have upon their rights, particularly any limitations on farming operations.

To read more of the meeting outcomes visit https://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/News-and-public-notices/News-articles/Loddon-Shire-Council-Meeting-%E2%80%93-March-2023

Fire restrictions ended

Days are getting shorter, the mornings and evenings crisper and Autumn is upon us.

The Fire Danger Period for Loddon Shire was lifted as of 1am Monday 3 April 2023.

Remember, in the case of land that is 2000m2 (1/2 acre) or less, a fire may only be lit on any Wednesday or Sunday without a written permit from Council.

A camp fire or fire used for cooking does not require a permit on any day.

Also, all fires must be notified to the Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority (ESTA) on 1800 668511 before lighting the fire or emailing a burn-off notification form to burnoffs@esta.vic.gov.au at least 2 hours before lighting the fire.

Further information about the Community Local Law can be found at https://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/Our-Council/Community-Local-Law-2022?fbclid=IwAR1yUzIOgUDIHTz4rF9rHsY7PfinA915pp5QVqERo_-gjU5xxj1HoxMuVt8

For more information on the CFA website please visit www.cfa.vic.gov.au/plan-prepare/how-to-prepare-your-property/burning-off

Adventure Bingo launched in Boort

Healthy Loddon Campaspe launched Loddon Shire Adventure Bingo in Boort last Thursday (30th March).Through the initiative, participants spot points of interest listed on a grid during their walk and once they’ve spotted three items in a vertical, horizontal or diagonal line, they’ve got Bingo.

Adventure Bingo walk is located at Little Lake Boort. Hard copy maps and Bingo cards are available free of charge at the Boort Resource and Information Centre or residents can participate online by downloading the map here.

Healthy Loddon Campaspe is also giving residents the chance to win one of 50 $20 sports store gift cards via a series of prize draws. Entries are open from Monday 20 March until Friday 5 May, with five weekly draws starting from Tuesday 11 April.

Residents simply need to complete Adventure Bingo online to go into the draw.

Closure of Bendigo Bank agency in Pyramid Hill

I am disappointed to learn of the unexpected decision of the Bendigo Bank to close its Pyramid Hill agency from July.

Local bank agencies play a crucial role in our community by providing financial services to our residents and businesses. Residents will have to travel further to access banking facilities which will have additional financial burdens and inconveniences.

Victorian Fox Bounty program

Victorian fox collections have commenced from Monday 6 March 2023.

Participants are reminded that the Victorian Fox Bounty is now digital. Agriculture Victoria introduced the new system last year to streamline the application process, reduce wait times at collection centres and allow participants to keep track of bounty applications.

To register for the digital system visit the bounty homepage and follow the prompts.

Bendigo collections – fox only

Address: Corner Midland Highway and Taylor Street, Epsom.

Time: 10.30 am – 12.30 pm


  • Monday, 17 April
  • Monday, 15 May
  • Tuesday, 13 June
  • Monday, 10 July
  • Monday, 7 August
  • Monday, 4 September
  • Monday, 2 October
  • Monday, 30 October.

St Arnaud collections – fox only

Address: 4 Montague Street, St Arnaud

Time: 10.30am – 12.30pm


  • Thursday, 20 April 2023
  • Thursday, 18 May 2023
  • Friday, 16 June 2023
  • Thursday, 13 July 2023
  • Thursday, 10 August 2023
  • Thursday, 6 September 2023
  • Thursday, 5 October 2023
  • Thursday, 2 November 2023.

For assistance, please chat to our bounty collection staff on collections days or call the customer service centre on 136 186.

Wishing you a safe and happy Easter break

As we approach the Easter long weekend and the start of school holidays, I wanted to take a moment to wish you all a safe and enjoyable break with friends and family. 


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